Getting a "good" rod for 300ish?


The real questions should be where and how are you going to use it? I've used my 3wt to chuck sculpins on 2x when I used to fish over at Big Spring a lot. Unless it's real windy, you can still toss dries a pretty long distance. The issue becomes working harder to do the same thing with a lighter weight line. Your profile doesn't say what part of the state you live in but if you're close to me, you're more than welcome to cast the two 3wt rods I have. I've also got two 4wts you can compare them to. Jdaddy has some 3wt I'm sure he'd let you try as well.

If you want a light rod for playing around with, 3wt will work. If you're looking for a secondary option to your 5wt, you may be better served getting a 4wt. As a previous poster mentioned, get 2 for that price. You could get a LST 3wt for around $100 and then a St Croix Avid 4wt for around $220. Problem solved and you've got the best of both worlds. I have an LST and a z-axis. They both work just fine. The more expensive rod has a famous brand name and much better hardware but they both do the same exact thing. Just some food for thought.

I have a Sage 7'9" 3 wt from 1984 and a newer Ross Essence FW 8'6" 3wt you are welcome to cast. For $215, the Ross rod is pretty darn sweet.
Have you checked some of TFO stuff?
I have played with a few TFO rods. Nice components for the price. I know they have slower rods, but the ones I've used were pretty fast. I'm also ideally looking for something made in the States if possible.
gfen wrote:
Someday, I'm going to end up with something between 000 and 1. I just won't know what to do with it.

Update: I ended up with a 1. I know what to do with it, now: Every single damned thing I can.

Its way cooler than any 3wt I've owned.

Back to your scheduled thread.
Who's the manufacturer? And have you landed any fish with it? Is it a fast 1, or a noodle rod?
I own a St. Croix Avid 7'6" 2 weight. Really fun rod to fish with. Specialized use though ie. smaller flies, minimum wind etc. I fish with it mainly on smaller streams. One of these days I think I'll try it fishing the Trico hatch on Spring Creek. I don't notice alot of difference between the 3 and 4 weights. I DO notice a difference between the 2 and 3 weights.The 3 weights are FUN. The 2 weights are REALLY FUN! LOL! Anybody else out there like ultralight flyfishing rods?