Gargantuan streamers

pete41 wrote:
found through many years of being a strictly streamer fisherman 90 % of the time that a size 2 was a good cut off point- larger than that numbers dropped but average size didn't- this was during ideal streamer times- during summer and other less premium streamer times would go as small as a 12 -this was during my Montana years-might be different in Pa.but a 2 will get any fish the bigger ones would and more of them-or so I found-

2's and 4's for me and my results mirror yours.
I've caught fish on much bigger but the 4 largest trout have been on 2's and 4's.
I rarely use articulated streamers as I've lost and missed more fish with those as compared to flies tied on 4XL shanked streamer hooks.
I've caught some nice fish on chunky Swingin' D's but nothing bigger than 23" or more productive day in or day out than my old standbys.
I like very large articulated streamers for larger freestone (or tailrace) rivers where large trout but also warm water species are prevalent. For this game, I like articulated streamers in the 3-6" range.

For my local limestone streams, which hold browns over 20 inches, I still prefer smaller streamers, usually in the 2-3" range (hooks sized to match). I've tried the big articulated streamers on the CV limestoners and they will get bit, but smaller flies seem better. In my opinion, this is due to the prevalence of sculpins in the diet of the CV limestone fish. Sculpins in these creeks mostly top out at about 3" with far more in the 1-2" range and I just think that the trout are keyed on this size range prey. By contrast, on the bigger freestoners you have a much wider range of prey species in larger sizes: crayfish, madtoms, chubs, shiners, fallfish, suckers, etc. and big trout and bass are just more accustomed to targeting much larger prey species in the 5-8" range.

It's just a theory of mine, but is backed up with a small bit of personal experience.

Interesting observations on your river and you've got the fish to back it up. Wow.