Gag Order Imposed on Children

Personally, I'd take the word of the PA DEP on this with a large grain of salt.
If the PADEP tests the water and the air, and the results are that drilling DID NOT affect the water supply or were not affecting the air, what else would you have the DEP do?
How is the DEP supposed to "fix" something that did not occur? Once again, the news media "runs" with the anti drilling complaints and do not want to admit when they are wrong.
I saw this while I worked at DEP. They are being made a scape goat because the drilling IS NOT the evil activity that is being pushed by the anti drillers and the news media.
RyanR wrote:
Personally, I'd take the word of the PA DEP on this with a large grain of salt.

But you would take the word of the press over them or is it just for certain subjects?
A little research shows that Gudgeonville is not lying or even exagerating.

Here is an article from National Geographic News from before the settlement.


The H's paid 20K for their 10 acre piece of land with definite knowledge of what was going to happen. They just claimed to not understand it.

When the sellers tried to back out on the deal, the H's did indeed sue to force the sale. They were even given the mineral rights, which is sounds like they hadn't originally purchased.

They did not test their well until a year and a half after the first well was completed.

The only contaminant consistently found is a chemical that is a known problem in the area and likely not caused by the gas drilling.

Company offered to buy the property for $200K which was the fair market value according to appraisal.

H's listed their house for $500K. Mind you, this is on a piece of land that they paid only 20K for and the house is not what I would call a McMansion.

Those pooooor bastards.

Apparently Mr's H was very active on the innertubes (internet) about their situation as well.

Conclusion: Gas bad.

P.S., the propane tank was a nice touch.


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Sounds like they had a plan from day one. Working for the anti natural gas movement maybe?
Gudgeonville wrote:
They are being made a scape goat because the drilling IS NOT the evil activity that is being pushed by the anti drillers and the news media.

LOL... of course drilling is not evil... It's what happens when accidents occur, employees get lazy, companies cover up, politicians scramble, and lawyers get slimy... that's when things get interesting.
FarmerDave wrote:
RyanR wrote:
Personally, I'd take the word of the PA DEP on this with a large grain of salt.

But you would take the word of the press over them or is it just for certain subjects?

Where did I say that? My opinion is based on my interactions with a DEP official on issues similar to this and because of that experience I have very little confidence in our DEP. In my personal experience with this official I've found their involvement in their job of monitoring a specific quarrying operation to be lackadaisical at best (and the company knew this and clearly used it to its advantage and this idiot didn't even realize it.) Add to that this official was a better mouthpiece for the private company than their own people were.
RyanR wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
RyanR wrote:
Personally, I'd take the word of the PA DEP on this with a large grain of salt.

But you would take the word of the press over them or is it just for certain subjects?

Where did I say that?

You didn't, which explains why I presented it as a question. (See avatar)
