Future Fly Tyers

Gave the flies and photos to the kids last night. It was even better than I had hoped for.

Christopher held his close and ran to everyone showing off his "fish-catcher" and picture with Poppa . He wanted to know if he could put it on the wall in his room.

Izzy was a little less excited than that, but still happy and sat on my lap pointing out details of the fly, asking if she could do it again when they came to visit.

Both of them were asking about going our fishing with Poppa when the weather warmed up.

Bringing back memories of time spent with my brother and Grandfather.

Great time last night and looking forward to spending more time with them today and in the future.
djs, you've got it made. Enjoy them.
My daughter loves to help tie flies. She is five and cant really tie them on her own yet but she will select the materials and we'll make up flies together. Other times I'll give her sheets of foam (the cheap kind from the craft stores in a wide array of colors) She cuts them in to tiny pieces for hoppers. She has a whole bucket full of foam chopped up. We have an Angora Lionhead rabbit that she brushes and saves the hair for dubbing. I swear its the best dubbing I own!
Here's my budding tier(granddaughter) Kassidy, we're working on thread control. My son and his family came up for the holidays.
lv2nymph wrote:
Here's my budding tier(granddaughter) Kassidy, we're working on thread control. My son and his family came up for the holidays.

Nice - Hope you frame that picture x2 - one for you and one for Kassidy to have when she's older.

Also looks like you have a bench to be really jealous of!

Anybody else out there have pics to share?
Dave, that's a fine idea. Believe I'll do just that. Aren't grandchildren just the best thing going? :-D I think it's great you've got your two tying, they will always remember sitting on poppa's lap at your bench. My son and daughter both have a box full of ties they did growing up. Good times.
Occasionally I come up with a good one. :) Can't take full credit for this one, though. KeithS suggested clipping the points and sending the flies home with the grands, and Rolf suggested framing and hanging the pics in my tying area. I just sorta combined the two suggestions........ :)

lv2nymph wrote:
Dave, that's a fine idea. Believe I'll do just that. Aren't grandchildren just the best thing going? :-D I think it's great you've got your two tying, they will always remember sitting on poppa's lap at your bench. My son and daughter both have a box full of ties they did growing up. Good times.