


Active member
Jan 13, 2012
Check out what the wife brought home from yard saleing for me!
I know there is some mink, muskrat, and rabbit, maybe some artic fox & coyote. There's a couple I'm going to have do some digging about, but what a pile the pic is about 2/3's of the score. I think I'll keep her...

Nice! It's always fun to create new flies with different furs... You will have a good time with all those skins!
oh man...the things we do for love.
Yea, she's a good egg. What I ended up with is rabbit, mink, (one is a color I didn't have yet) bleached muskrat, bleached fox, raccoon, & shorn beaver. The last thing is they shear off the top of the guard hairs that stick past the fur because it's more appealing for coats that way. In the end it equals a pile of dubbing for $10.00. It's all good.
Thats good work by Mrs Lv2nymph. Share what you come up with please!
Lol .. L2N is a lucky man. My wife thinks I've gone full geek since I started tying lol.
Jack, that is some nice stuff. Good your wife takes care of you. On the other hand. My wife is always stealing feathers from me for her hat making business. At one point she was trying to get me to giver her a silver badger dryfly neck. Yikes! She said the feathers would be awesome on a hat. I was like, yea I don't think so. But you can have this big bag of turkey flats. LOL I've never been good at sharing.

It was tough when I started tying too Andrew, she'll get used to it though. Hey Mike technically that is sharing. Not sure I'd have given up any of those myself, she was probably eyeballin the nicer feathers too!
Sweet Jack! I can see some new patterns being posted very soon.
Yes, she is a keeper. Not only for what she scored for you at the yard sale but for allowing you to host fly tying for the people in WCFF about 12 years ago! That started something. Now the "Tie one on" every Thursday evening at the meeting place.
Thanks guys, I'm letting ideas swim around in my head for this stuff. I know for sure there's going to be some blending involved.
Gene, those tying nights were a lot of fun. I'm so pleased the tying nights has taken off like it has and is still going so strong.
Nice find Jack! I recall a similar story about a boat load of floss. My wife needs to go shopping with yours ;-)
The beaver underfur is one of my favorite dubbing bases. I also like the guard hairs for tailing etc. Hopefully the shoreing (shorning?) will still allow some use.