Funny....or, Sad...?

i really enjoy youtube fishing videos from drew lookin fishy and wild fly amoung others i cant think of right now.
Wild fly productions is my #1 to watch, it comes off as more of a documentary than a “fishing video”. Another I like goes by Tenkera Adict is worth checking out. It is a little different from fly fishing but still entertaining.
Wild fly productions is my #1 to watch, it comes off as more of a documentary than a “fishing video”. Another I like goes by Tenkera Adict is worth checking out. It is a little different from fly fishing but still entertaining.
i agree. personally i wouldnt video myself fishing. however some do, and they are very good at it and i enjoy watching them and where their fishing. some of the scenery is outstanding. so hats off to them for lugging around all the camera gear and batteries into remote loactions to share with us. im sure some days those guys are really double guessing them selves if its worth it for all the extra weight and hassel. but much like everything in life the ol saying goes "to each their own"
Back to the original premise: I vote for funny. (Been there, done that as an individual w/o a partner or a camera.) It's funny when it happens to someone else.
i agree. personally i wouldnt video myself fishing. however some do, and they are very good at it and i enjoy watching them and where their fishing. some of the scenery is outstanding. so hats off to them for lugging around all the camera gear and batteries into remote loactions to share with us. im sure some days those guys are really double guessing them selves if its worth it for all the extra weight and hassel. but much like everything in life the ol saying goes "to each their own"
Totally agree. The are some really good TY video fly fishermen out there. Hardman is one that I enjoy, mainly because he fishes for, and catches, some really nice natives in WV streams.
There are some good video producers out there and there are some bad ones. I really don’t need to watch another hour long video of the guy from Reading nymphing a riffle on the Delaware. I have never actually seen someone with a go pro strapped to them making a video while they fish. Some of these guys must carry a lot of equipment with them. I enjoy taking a few photos of fish and scenery on some of my trips.
Wild fly productions is my #1 to watch, it comes off as more of a documentary than a “fishing video”. Another I like goes by Tenkera Adict is worth checking out. It is a little different from fly fishing but still entertaining.
I like Wild Fly Productions. I follow his channel. Lots of gear and lots of work that goes into those videos. And you’re correct, they’re more of a documentary.
I like Wild Fly Productions. I follow his channel. Lots of gear and lots of work that goes into those videos. And you’re correct, they’re more of a documentary.
Yes, they are excellent. i'm not into the channels that are just "watch me fish and advertise these products"

Huge was advocating Bibs the other day instead of waders because hes sponsored by grundens now. says they are more comfy than waders, which they may be, but they wont do much to keep you dry, lol.
Huge was advocating Bibs the other day instead of waders because hes sponsored by grundens now. says they are more comfy than waders, which they may be, but they wont do much to keep you dry, lol.

Yes, but Grundens make high end waders as well that he promoted awhile go. They do make quality stuff. Not that I am going to spend $800 or more on waders. I had Grundens bibs with the jacket when I did a lot of boat fishing in the ocean when I was younger. Also, used them on jetties in New England. They keep you dry if you have both the bibs and the jacket. And are easier on and off vs. waders for me at least. And if you go in the drink I think they’re safer than waders(I know the belt is there to stop water from filling up the waders. But knowing my luck the belt would malfunction if I went in 😂😂😂).

Agreed on the style of video. I enjoy a well produced fly fishing video with a story behind it.
Yes, but Grundens make high end waders as well that he promoted awhile go. They do make quality stuff. Not that I am going to spend $800 or more on waders. I had Grundens bibs with the jacket when I did a lot of boat fishing in the ocean when I was younger. Also, used them on jetties in New England. They keep you dry if you have both the bibs and the jacket. And are easier on and off vs. waders for me at least. And if you go in the drink I think they’re safer than waders(I know the belt is there to stop water from filling up the waders. But knowing my luck the belt would malfunction if I went in 😂😂😂).

Agreed on the style of video. I enjoy a well produced fly fishing video with a story behind it.
Gundens bibs are great for saltwater fishing or anything where you dont have to walk in the water, which isnt what fly fishing is.

I remember when he supposedly had a discount link for grundens then had to walk it back because, well, there was no discount, lol
I personally enjoy watching other people fish on the webs. Bought a GoPro a couple years ago but never really used it. But I think if people want to document their memories I see nothing wrong with it. Why are people always worried about what others are doing? If you don’t like taking pictures of fish or videoing catches then don’t. What makes one person happy might not do it for another. It would be a boring world if we all had the same thought process.
Normally I’d agree with you, I’m the type of person that doesn’t typically get too worked up over what others do, as long as it doesn’t affect me.

I however have had the misfortunate of encountering several people over the years while they filmed for YouTube. One particular experience was ice fishing and these folks set up right in my hip pocket and filmed all day long, hooting and hollering ever time they caught a fish. It was loud, bothersome and honestly ruined my experience for the day.

I am of the belief that people will act foolishly for views and that views equal money. Look at how popular Mike Iaconelli became as a professional bass fisherman because he acts like a lunatic half the time. I think that this ultimately leads to bad behavior by anglers and outdoorsman who film their content as an attempt to garner more views.
Gundens bibs are great for saltwater fishing or anything where you dont have to walk in the water, which isnt what fly fishing is.

I remember when he supposedly had a discount link for grundens then had to walk it back because, well, there was no discount, lol

I don’t think he was promoting them for wading? I watched the video but I watch a lot of videos at night. I thought he was promoting the bibs for boat use which would be fine.
Normally I’d agree with you, I’m the type of person that doesn’t typically get too worked up over what others do, as long as it doesn’t affect me.

I however have had the misfortunate of encountering several people over the years while they filmed for YouTube. One particular experience was ice fishing and these folks set up right in my hip pocket and filmed all day long, hooting and hollering ever time they caught a fish. It was loud, bothersome and honestly ruined my experience for the day.

That would be annoying as ****. Did you say anything to them? I’ve had similar experiences. I have no problem calling people out on bad behavior.
dont have to walk in the water, which isnt what fly fishing is.
love, love, LOVE, this sorta s***.

As for Huge, I do enjoy his vids as I do find them entertaining. I feel he brings some light-heartedness to the overall serious attitude of the hobby and pokes fun at people like me. I liked his vid on the different types of anglers. He talked about the three year angler (me) and how they thought that they were essentially a guide. He goes on to say that that individual probably has nice gear. I couldn't believe how spot on he was. I also liked his vid on spot burning. I feel like his vids are somewhat insightful with a comedic blend.
love, love, LOVE, this sorta s***.

As for Huge, I do enjoy his vids as I do find them entertaining. I feel he brings some light-heartedness to the overall serious attitude of the hobby and pokes fun at people like me. I liked his vid on the different types of anglers. He talked about the three year angler (me) and how they thought that they were essentially a guide. He goes on to say that that individual probably has nice gear. I couldn't believe how spot on he was. I also liked his vid on spot burning. I feel like his vids are somewhat insightful with a comedic blend.
hes funny. i also enjoy his videos. i also think some take this hobbie to seriously. its all about having fun and enjoying yourself. thats why we go.