Funny....or, Sad...?

I really enjoyed the times before every dude had a go pro strapped to his head, chest, and rod grip. Back in the day when people just had hobbies that they didn’t feel the whole world wanted to watch on YouTube.
I really enjoyed the times before every dude had a go pro strapped to his head, chest, and rod grip. Back in the day when people just had hobbies that they didn’t feel the whole world wanted to watch on YouTube.
Those guys are toolboxes. It’s a dumbbell that was filming when I help the guy land, a fish, huh?

It must be noted- to me hilarious, that we’re admonishing people that post videos on the Internet while we’re posting a video and commenting on the Internet. Hah.
I see two guys that are intense and enjoying the sport. Love it. If they then hold the fish out of the water for minutes at a time so they can get the perfect photo, hate them.
I see two idiots fishing. Idiots make me laugh so there is a place for them.
I took a picture of my brother after he overturned his kayak in November trying catch a beer thrown to him. Does that make me an idiot?
I stop taking photos of fish 12 years ago and I stopped paying attention to others photos & videos around the same time...
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I personally enjoy watching other people fish on the webs. Bought a GoPro a couple years ago but never really used it. But I think if people want to document their memories I see nothing wrong with it. Why are people always worried about what others are doing? If you don’t like taking pictures of fish or videoing catches then don’t. What makes one person happy might not do it for another. It would be a boring world if we all had the same thought process.
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What I get a kick out of is the amount of people with the go pro thingy filming in "combat fishing" situations particularly for salmon and steel
I took a picture of my brother after he overturned his kayak in November trying catch a beer thrown to him. Does that make me an idiot?
why does everybody take everything so literal. But to answer your question..…..….. hmmmmmm…….. let me think about it for a second, paddling around, drinking beer, throwing beers about, filming the throwing of beers, probably hooting and hollering as well so I would have to say YES! And I would have enjoyed seeing it
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At least they do their own filming. I was at a thing this weekend where ameutuers pay pro photo and video people. It made me want to learn to take pictures
i really enjoy youtube fishing videos from drew lookin fishy and wild fly amoung others i cant think of right now.