Funnel Dun



New member
Dec 16, 2010
:) Hello everyone. Here's a dry fly that works pretty good. Hope you all like it. I used Fire brown deer hair and a striped peacock herl for the abdomen.

Sorry the picture is not showing. Maybe I did not load it right. So very sorry.
Sorry the picture is not showing. Maybe I did not load it right. So very sorry.
OldBear wrote:
:) Hello everyone. Here's a dry fly that works pretty good. Hope you all like it. I used Fire brown deer hair and a striped peacock herl for the abdomen.



The "img" tags must be lower case. :)
That looks like a Tenkara style fly.,r:16,s:0
I like the flies Dave McPhail ties but I have to watch him at least 3 time to understand what he is saying.
He really has some great patterns.
That is a cool pattern and is very reminiscent of the Japanese tenkara-style flies. I was surprised that it was a dun until i watched Davie's video and realized that it is supposed to flip upside down on the water. Does anyone know how important the up eye hook is to making this fly land properly?
Davie is like the Bob Ross of fly tying. If I have trouble sleeping at night I put a few of Davies videos on. Sweep me away sandman...
Davie makes tying look so simple. These are cool looking flies and appear relatively simple to tie... figure they'd work well as an emerger since the tail and body ride vertically under water.
My bad, didn't realize he put tails on this. A lot of the tenkara flies are tied without them and ride like an emerger.
Looks good , will have to try that one. That deer hair tied that way should really grab a bubble of air and i'd think float like a cork. THANKS OLDBEAR.