Recent scroll thru FM site.
I have a good impression w FM, but know that the "quality profile" of each product can vary.
Any experience here, pls?
Good advice. I use a small pair of Anvil's for most of my thread and natural materials but have several pairs of Fiskars for cutting synthetics and heavier stuff. I love the Fiskars and would use then for everything but they are just a little bit too big for me to use as my main scissors. I even keep a pair of the fiskers in my vest for on stream use.I have lots of scissors by different makers. One thing you should do regardless of brand is to make sure you don't try to make one pair do it all.
Bigger scissors for thicker or heavier materials and fine tipped scissors for thread & fibers.
And wire cutters for wire... 😉
Another thing I do is to protect the tips of my scissors when not in use by covering them with a short length of vinyl tubing of the appropriate diameter.
Take care of them and they will last a long time and continue to perform.
I agree with you for the most part that it would be hard to find a pair of scissors that didn't cut out of the box, however I have tossed plenty of cheap scissors that dulled after a short time.I’ve never met scissors that didn’t cut. Back in the day good scissors were a bit rare. Nowadays, even the cheap ones are plenty sharp enough for fly tying needs. I don’t baby scissors and use them to cut anything and everything without issues. Just my 2 cents.
Best advice is use 2 pair one for fine and one for course materials/wire/sinthetics.
I’m a save it and don’t cry at all over money kind of guy.I tend to be a buy once cry once kind of guy.
Anyone who's ever soldered component leads and <18 AWG wire can say flush-cutters work best on fine trimming of small wire. Amazon has a few for $5-$10. Radio Shack used to sell them before closing all their stores.
...When I starting tying commercially I was told to keep efficiently you have to keep the scissors in your hand. When I first tried it I thought they were crazy. How can you tie with those things in your hand. Currently I do not feel right without them. It is important that they fit your hand....
... I really like Anvil but I think I'm going to check our Renomed next.