


New member
Apr 4, 2012
so me and my two buddies are up at penn college and have been fishing lycoming creek near trout run for the past couple weeks. I have probably been out 6-7 times for more than three hours at a time and have caught one fish that i hooked on top of the head so i dont really count that. I have tried nymphs, drys, streamers pretty much everything i have in my box. Back home ive missed three fish on the yellow breeches the one time i was out so its kinda frustrating . WE have had fish rising and take the fly right beside mine. Anyone with any pointers or advice or willing to help a newbie out when i get back from college. I live right by the hatchery in huntsdale so ill be fishing a ton when i get back from college but as of now i would like to just catch one fish up at school.
I'm also a beginning fly fisherman, after spinning/bait for a long time, so take my word with a grain of salt. So far I've mostly fished nymphs and streamers. I've now caught a few fish on olive and black wooly buggers, ear's hare nymphs, stripping them across the current and up the current much like a spinning lure path. Just find someone local and maybe they can give you a tip on to what to use.

I've only used dries here and there and haven't been successful yet, but this summer I plan on getting into dries more.

Good luck!
thanks for the tips. i tried my only wooly bugger yesterday and of course lost it to the dreaded tree trout haha. but its just frustrating to watch fish smash insects all over the surface for about two hours and i tied on everything in my box and not a nibble. I love fly fishing and cant wait to get home to the small creeks im used to its so different up here with the wide streams and deep pockets