Frog's Fanny



Jan 28, 2007
This stuff works but is expensive. I have heard that it is slick fume but cannot verify that. Can anyone confirm or reject that thought? If it is, where can I get this stuff in bulk? Thanks in advance.
Look up "hydrophobic fumed silica".
I keep "Frog's Fanny" in my pack for CDC flies. I think the stuff is a joke and don't use CDC flies because of it.

It's probably a "certain situation" product that I'm not using in said situation.
Frogs Fanny blows every other floatant out of the water. Just wish it wouldn't explode out of the container the first couple times you use it. I'll take 1/8 a tube of fanny over a full bottle of Loom's stuff for a whole day. I guarantee the Fanny still out lasts it.
I buy the frogs fanny and put it in my 8 yr old dessicant bead loon bottle and it works great as a shaker. The brush is a joke.
Thanks to all who responded. Once again I am impressed with the knowledge and willingness of people on this board to help.

I do have a follow up question. My bottle of Frogs Fanny says, "colorless, tasteless, non toxic". Non-toxic is not what I read on the board? Insights?
Toxic and harmful don't mean the same thing. Nails aren't toxic, but you shouldn't eat them, or pound them into yourself. Dust isn't toxic but you shouldn't breath it in.

The stuff goes airborne easily and I'd avoid breathing too much in. But mainly people complain about the mess. The stupid bottles open too easily, and then coat everything in that pocket or bag, and doesn't wash off very well.

Personally I prefer paste floatants for anything with hackle, which is mostly what I use. CDC and soft hackles are a different matter, though. It has its uses.
Thanks Pcray, I have been using FF to dry flies AFTER they get wet. I use the liquid floatant when the fly is dry. After catching a few fish and the fly is very wet, I use FF to try and remove most of the water.

FYI, I was fishing with some friends on Penns a week or so ago and one of them was using Loon Lochsha Floatant for CDC flies. The fly was floating like a cork! I got some at Blue Quill Angler on-line and plan to try it soon. I will let you know of my experience.
Maurice - they actually changed brushes a couple years ago. My fishing buddy says the same as you, he kept his old caps and switches the old brush to each new bottle he gets.

Nothing worse than Fanny exploding in your pack.
I prefer Loscha over frogs fanny any day of the week. It even works great on hackled and comparadun type dries too.
Never heard of Loscha. Just looked it up, looks like a gel floatant? From my experiences the gels are best used before a fly is used, but once the fly gets wet the powder is the only savior. Once a material like CDC gets matted down and pushed together you better have the cocaine-looking substance to save your fly.

I did find this...

Frog's Fanny finished #2 out of #10. According to their tests.
a great combo is treat your CDC fly with tiemco dry magic and then brush frog's fanny on it. works great and lasts a lot longer than just the FF.
I think it's so good that it influences the flies I choose to tie. And the brush has got to be worked!