Freestone Stream Hatches



New member
Apr 28, 2015
Any suggestions for some essential flies to have in my box when fishing smaller wild brook trout streams? It is a freestone stream but stays cold year round. Never seen a hatchgoing on but I always see nymphs crawling around. What kind of hatches usually go on in the crystal clear water of mountain streams?
check my hatch chart on my website ( it has hatches listed for 2 wild brookie streams on it.
Thanks! That's pretty much all I needed.
I see generally the same hatches as on larger freestoners. Black stoneflies, march browns, sulphers, cahills, green drakes, various caddis, etc.

Not in as large of numbers, of course, and generally a size smaller.

As for fishing, well, they ain't picky, and things like Adams, Humpies, and Wulffs work just fine.