Free the Brandywine!!

Dear afish,

As a bonus the invasive smallmouth bass would grow big and strong eating the little shad as they drop down to the river and out to the ocean.

Sounds like a win-win to me!


Tim Murphy 🙂
Thanks for posting this video! I did a little research after watching and learned that it looks like the removal of that specific dam has been paused. Hope the city of Wilmington can get this right.
I think it will take more than this dam removal to lessen the probability of a flood event. How much impervious surface exists in the watershed upstream of the dam? Are buildings too close to the river banks down in Wilmington? I.e., does the river need a wider riparian corridor? I would hate for a well-intentioned project to over-promise and under-deliver.
I think it will take more than this dam removal to lessen the probability of a flood event. How much impervious surface exists in the watershed upstream of the dam? Are buildings too close to the river banks down in Wilmington? I.e., does the river need a wider riparian corridor? I would hate for a well-intentioned project to over-promise and under-deliver.
You hit the nail on it's head! With all of the housing & industrial development in the Brandywine watershed area is the reason for all of the flooding.