Fred Reese's Trout Shop, Jersey Shore , PA


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2023
Schuylkill Co.
I know Fred is no longer with us, but curious to know if anyone (Maybe his son?) ever picked up after Fred?
When I went to school at Lock Haven University in the early 90's we were in Fred's shop all the time picking up tying materials.
I moved away to Montana right after college and then when I came back to PA I was still out of the area so I lost track of what happened with his shop.

He had some really good dubbing styles and colors. A couple of them have been my go to for literally 30+ years

Anyone have any or a box of this stuff squirreled away somewhere? 🧐 I'd love to get my hands on a few more packages of a few of those.

I wish I had some that I could give you, but unfortunately I don’t. I do recall reading here, or perhaps on another fly fishing forum some time ago that Fred Reese may have sold some of his dubbing to Phil Baldachinno at the Kettle Creek fly shop, so that might be another place to check.

And if you really want to check farther for some, you might consider checking with John Fave, aka Maxima12, who lives in Muncy. He might know where you could get some. Here’s a post he made on another forum a while back:


Well-known member​

Messages1,696Reaction score2,299Locationmuncy
Feb 25, 2024

In my circle, we remember greats. Now let’s say 30 mile radius. Of course we could go 2000 miles, but I leave that to you. You have a yell, use it, then I will spark it up a notch.

How about a real Cowboy, Fred Reese. Fred Reese fly shop, Jersey Shore, Pa. The best dyer of material. Period. The best spiked dubbing. Finest available.

What a gem definitely in the rough. A imperfect gentleman. With the bounty of “I can’t wait to see him”. Charisma extreme.

If I was to forget, then I was never a friend.

I am running low on gas but full of hope. You get old , hope is what remains

Thank you. For Fred Reese.”

Fred sold his business to a guy who re-opened the shop on the main drag in Avis. I can't recall his name but only was open for a year or two then gave it up. Fred was indeed a master at dying his own dubbing, his angora goat and muscrat blends were excellent.