fran betters adirondack sport shop



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
when I got there and saw that women on the sign, I wondered, what the hell. it was hand painted and looked like something I would throw away. when I got the juice to go inside. needed lots of juice. a wind blew across my brow, a semi formed and I was greeted with smiles. fran and jan. well I tried to get away but ended at their house for coffee. the finest experience I have ever had at a shop. began a lasting friendship over years. I became his custom leader guy. they became my custom friends. so I do miss the great outdoors on the ausable. the flume or plume close to the shop. sorry, my pal is gone.

with best regards to a brother and friend {also a chissler, always tried to sell me a rod}. big laugh.

with love brother----see you soon.
maxima12 wrote:
when I got the juice to go inside. needed lots of juice. a wind blew across my brow, a semi formed and I was greeted with smiles.

Love this quote! Honesty in a poetic form.
I was lucky enough to go there and buy some Ausable Wulff's from the master and see him tie on that funky homemade vise. He was truly one of a kind!