Fracking chemicals found in Bradford Co Water


Yoga mats are good for you, right?


It's just one that popped into my head.

Nother link

45 ppm. That's 45 million parts per trillion, or 45 Octodecillion per Vigintillion. Sounds way worse, dun'nit.
FarmerDave wrote:
Yoga mats are good for you, right?
Yup. Yoga pants too. They get my heart rate up above my resting 52 bpm!

EDIT: That article mentions Prof. Coupland. Super nice teach. Loved that class...


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Let's just remember what another extraction industry did to PA waters.

Anytime you see a sulphur creek you can thank the coal industry.

We need to be mindful of the environmental scourge those companies left, a disaster that impacts uall Pennsylvanians today.

PA residents should demand that the fracking industry take extra, extra care with your and my water and environment.

Remember: Once the gas is gone so are the companies. But the mess they leave will have a negative impact on your grandchildren's children...

It's our duty to make sure profits don't trump our children's birthright.
Uncle Shorty,

I don't disagree. That said, don't use coal as if it's past tense. They're still doing it.

And gas is light years better, and replacing coal. Every MW of electricity we make from gas is a MW that is not being produced from coal.

I don't mean to imply that we should let down our guard. We absolutely should ensure that gas companies are doing things the right way. That said, gas is an environmental WIN, not a loss. A huge W. We want to make sure they're doing it right. But we absolutely do NOT want to stop them!!!!!
"So, Keith. Should we outlaw all drilling? Even the vertical wells?"

I've been away on business. I never said drilling should stop. I just questioned whether these fluids were used before for other types of wells.
please pardon my ignorance. I'm a technician, not an engineer. I probably have a simpler view of many things. There is no such thing as " being Keith S'ed".
KeithS wrote:
"So, Keith. Should we outlaw all drilling? Even the vertical wells?"

I've been away on business. I never said drilling should stop. I just questioned whether these fluids were used before for other types of wells.
please pardon my ignorance. I'm a technician, not an engineer. I probably have a simpler view of many things. There is no such thing as " being Keith S'ed".

My mistake. It wasn't you who said it.



Sure he meant outlaw fracking, but hydraulic fracturing is used in versicle wells, too.