Frack Fluid Spill



Dec 17, 2008

This has got to be stopped!
like i've said many times before, no good will come from this drilling! our state will be raped of it's clean water, healthy streams, native trout, all so out of state companies can profit. this spill is only the beginning. makes me sick, we've learned nothing from the past 100 years of cleaning up the previous mess from logging and strip mining. the state government says "jobs, jobs. jobs. bullshit. sorry, but this crap really burns me up.
could it be?
odtfish, nice article, my RSS missed that. Scientific American fairly reputable. Sample from the article:

"Gas drilling companies currently dispose of their wastewater in Pennsylvania’s municipal sewage plants, which then discharge it into rivers and streams. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency warns against this form of treatment, because the plants aren’t equipped to remove TDS or any of the chemicals the water may contain. Of even more concern, TDS can disrupt the plants’ treatment of ordinary sewage, including human waste."
For the couple hundred jobs that might be created by this for PA residents be better off just paying those folks not to drill.


I am not against mining per-se. The problem is it is a scam. If mining just followed the rules we "the state" would be okay.

As far as I understand- these mining companies come in scam out the coal. Meaning not following the rules- the state is not at all equipped to police all of this activity so they are not followed- so this goes on.

Probably does help because your representative just received $2500 contribution for one of these companies- for him to act impartial?? and best intrest of the people. Yea right, if you beleive that I got an old broken St. Croix that is yours for $250.

These companies either leave rusting equipement on the property to claim it is "an active" mine. Therefore- not made to clean it up yet or the more often- declare bankruptcy!!!!!!!!!!

So the companies will get their coal, make a couple of dozen people hundreds of thousands of dollars or possibly millions and the state of PA ( this means you and me) the $500,000,000 price tag to clean up all of this mess!

You know how I came to this conclusion?? History repeats itself.

Again, mioning would be okay if the state could police this effectively and the mining companies do what is right- BUT THEY WONT. BECAUSE THEY NEVER HAVE BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
acristickid wrote:
For the couple hundred jobs that might be created by this for PA residents be better off just paying those folks not to drill.

I think we pay enough people not to work in PA.
We can hope that when they are through there will be some clean water and a few wild fish for our children and grandchildren. We have not been good keepers of the gifts given to us all.

Wishing and hoping these jerks won't rape the land will not stop the pollution of our waters. Only calls and letters to you representatives and Senators will stop the nonesense. That and a severence tax.
Fast Eddy Rendell won't do the severence tax. I've called my State Rep Tina Pickett 3 times... she has never called me back.

Can you say Kickbacks?
This whole thing makes me want to puke.

"The same old influential interest groups getting their way," said State Rep. Greg Vitali (D., Delaware). "It was just another day in Harrisburg."

Sounds about right to me.
Look at the picture in the previous post. You may not be able to see something so beautiful in the future. I have no impact on the political process in Pennsylvania, being a New Jersey resident. I love fishing in Pennsylvania so much I haven't purchased a NJ license in over 30 years. My Pennsylvania license costs me over sixty bucks per year. I rarely fish stocked streams and never keep a trout. I do support all of the efforts of Pennsylvania to keeps its cold water fisheries intact.

jjsjigs wrote:
Fast Eddy Rendell won't do the severence tax. I've called my State Rep Tina Pickett 3 times... she has never called me back.

Can you say Kickbacks?

Dear jjsjigs,

I honestly don't see how you can blame this all on Rendell?

In the Northern Tier counties politics on the Township, County and State level are dominated by the Republican Party. If the people wanted a tax on gas producers they could have easily gotten one approved.

Had a tax been approved that would in all likelyhood meant a reduction in the size of their royalty checks, so there wasn't a snowball's chance in you know where of the tax ever coming to pass.

Put the blame where it belongs, thank you.

Tim Murphy :)
I blame all political figures.

I understand that maybe this isnt "Fast Eddies" fault, but all this kickback crap has gone way to far. No government offical should receive any monies other than what we pay them. I cant even believe any of that is legal. What are we thinking?

Omg i feel like im going to scream like Sam Kinison.
Dear Sal,

I'm not challenging what you said regarding "kickbacks" so don't take it that way, but if you or anyone else for that matter can offer substantive proof that money/goods/services are actually changing hands in an effort to influence policymakers when it comes to drilling rules and regualtions then by all means please come forward.

Behavior like that is illegal for both the giver and the recipient. People have been caught doing things like that in the past and made to suffer the consequences, as they should.

Keep in mind that I'm not talking about PAC money or soft money being donated to campaigns, that isn't illegal though sometimes I think it ought to be?

There is a great deal of money involved in this drilling adventure. While most people will be upfront and transparent in their ways there are some people that will go to great lengths to get more than their share regardless of the problems that brings to other people and places.

They are the people we all need to be concerned about.

Tim Murphy :)
Wish i could Tim, wish i could. I would in a heartbeat.
At this point, the drilling is happening and will continue. What the oil companies want is for people to forget about the issue so they can continue with their operations and spend the least amount of $ as possible on expensive things like sediment control, waste water disposal, etc. Sure, keep sending in your letters and calling your state representatives. But IMO, the best thing we can do is make life as difficult as possible for the oil companies. By difficult, I mean expensive. How is that done? If possible, go to the local level meeting where these operations are discussed. Ask questions. Make sure they are doing everything required by local and state law. Observe their operations. And above all else, if you witness something you think is a detriment to the environment, call everyone and anyone you can (ie - PADEP, soil conservation district, local police, etc.). And take pictures of everything you see.
you summed it up quite well, it's up to us to police OUR forests, we obviously cant depend on our state agencies or elected officials to give a damn.
Chesapeake energy and others spent many millions tying up land in the Marcellus region. I was a recipient of some of this for land I own in Somerset County.

I saw Rendell on Jim Cramer's mad money show. He is pro drilling for the jobs. Cramer supported him. Not a surprise.

The out of state trash issue should have taught pennsylvanians one thing, if there's cash to be had, it will happen. Don't believe any politician running for re-election on the not in my backyard platform.