Found--vehicle remote-Penns Creek



New member
May 5, 2016
Found yesterday on Penns--remote entry key fob. No keys, just the fob. PM to reclaim.
That belongs to sylvaneous. He made a post earlier about it.
Awesome that it was found!!! I've thought about just bringing the FOB and leaving the keys in the car before, but the extra noise dropping the full set of keys seems necessary as I'd be losing mine at some point, i'm sure.
You guys are awesome with this. If I only had put my address and number in a green compartment fly box I lost on miners run years ago I might have gotten it back.
If I ever lose anything again I hope a paff member finds it.
As soon as I saw it I figured a post here would help to find rightful owner. SF--I sent PM, give me a call.


I lost my dignity, pride and self respect on Penn's last year. I hope to find them this year.
CLSports wrote:
I lost my dignity, pride and self respect on Penn's last year. I hope to find them this year.

^^ Lol, I feel your pain brother.

That's incredible. This forum is great.
Yo car and Syl,

the one time I experienced a similar lost'n found episode was when I was on Lyman Run for the first time during 'squach's Fall Extravaganza. Going back to the road, I saw a curious object with a Ford logo on the ground. Since it had been recently raining, the fob looked like it had been recently dropped. It was sitting on top of the dirt, rather than being embedded (calling on my nonexistent Native American tracking skills). Further, the remote was nice and shiny, with no hint of evaporated dew. So I assumed the loss occurred that same day.

When I got back to the cabin and inquired who might know who owned a Ford, and thinking I'd resort to using this Forum to find the owner, it turned out that another board member had lost his $75 remote that very afternoon. I should have walked around the parked cars and used the remote to determine which car I could steal. lol
have to admit--I've been a lurker on the forum for years. Figured this was a great reason to finally 'join' the crowd.

I make a bad habit of either: leaving something behind, forgetting to lock vehicle, or put window up, etc. Worse since I'm over 50. Now I walk around the vehicle several times before leaving. just have to remember to put my rod, or gun, or dog bowl, ad inifinitum
in the car before pulling out.
DanL wrote:
Awesome that it was found!!! I've thought about just bringing the FOB and leaving the keys in the car before, but the extra noise dropping the full set of keys seems necessary as I'd be losing mine at some point, i'm sure.

Yeah, I wanted to take some video of Penns for my aging parents and friends who wonder where I traipse off to on weekends in the spring. I rarely (never) do this. I didn't want my other keys and carabiner (sp?) scratching my screen. Figured that was a quick fix. I didn't anticipate i even COULD inadvertently drag it out of my waders pocket.

Well, that's MY episode of the Mythbusters! And I didn't get to blow anything up.

carlfishes wrote:
have to admit--I've been a lurker on the forum for years. Figured this was a great reason to finally 'join' the crowd.

I make a bad habit of either: leaving something behind, forgetting to lock vehicle, or put window up, etc. Worse since I'm over 50. Now I walk around the vehicle several times before leaving. just have to remember to put my rod, or gun, or dog bowl, ad inifinitum
in the car before pulling out.

I've dropped or otherwise physically lost things more than forgotten them and the present case is one in point. I had a fly vest hanging on the car door at the pulloff at Stillhouse hollow. It fell off. I didn't notice till afternoon. someone made off with it. 1000 curses on their sorry hide.

I did, one time, leave a back window completely open in a parking lot. I can't remember where it was, but I was shocked and relieved to see nobody did anything bad.

But yes, I circle my car like a dog laying down. I pat myself down like an over-enthusiastic TSA agent if I have my stuff.

Made the 135 mile drive to Little J. and didn't have a fly real. Alan Bright said he would have loaned me a reel and line, but I figured I'll just hike up the mountain and learn never to do that again. No guarantees I wont!
Left my window open last Saturday, when I went off turkey hunting.

I stopped to take a photo looking upstream from Swift Run--one of my favorite views. took one step and saw the fob.

I was rewarded with good karma, as I caught two fish on three casts out of that pool, eating MB duns. also had several snubs--but I've grown used to that in that stretch.

hope someone will do the same for me.