Found - Korker sole



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
If you lost a Korker sole on Hammer Creek, you’re in luck! PM me if it’s yours…


Hmmm. And I was just considering using a pair. Anyone else ever lose soles?
I lost a sole on the earlier version of Korkers when they first came out. The newer versions are much better designed and I have never lost a sole
I'm wearing a pair of Korkers Darkhorse boots with interchangeable soles and Boa laces. Absolutely the best pair of wading boots I've worn to date! I've had no problems with the soles coming loose.

I did happen to see with the one I found that the rubber tab that secures them to the back of the boot is broken. Regardless, I'm still surprised the sole would have come off with the way the tabs lock in. I do recall seeing a work-around if the tab breaks (as shown) so you don't have to buy all new soles. It's somewhere out there on the web!