Forum ethics, cooth, & terms.



Jan 2, 2008
I have search the forums for ethics and terms i want too know about and came up with my questions still out there.
Is there a place i can be directed to for forum cooth & ethics ? Also some terms like "stickyed", "digested"there are more but is there a place so i know what it all means ?
Not a bad idea...kind of like a glossary page for the newbies. (and yae-hoos) hehehe.

I like it, it could be a work in progress as things develop we could add them. Maybe stickie it to the Site and Forum Comments forum.

BTW, Stickied is a term that is applied to a post that is held at the top of the forum and never ages or leaves the page. Its STUCK up there.

Digested means it has traveled all the way through the alamentary canal.... (Boy I am hot today). No it means the way that a thread (string of posts) is displayed.

Flat means one after another in order determined by the user in his profile.

Threaded means in order of Heirarchy based on replies. a

Digest = I have no idea what that means bnut I just digested this topic. Does it look any different to you?

(Sometimes my privilidges don't show or rather show more than you guys see.)
This "stickeyed" thread has forum posting policies. To "sticky" a thread means that it remains at the top of the page, regardless of how recently it was active. Any threads at the top of a forum page, separated from the rest, are stickies.
Thank you yet again JayL. Your like my Obe-One today. I search just about every word ( regulations, rules, ethics, manner, etc.) but not the words policy or guidelines. So i had a blonde moment.

It's a slow day here. They canceled the project I have been working on. Waiting to be told what to do, and hopefully not to walk...

You are smoking today.

We do need a spot newbee kind of stuff. This is kind of how a sticky could be used. Needs be dropped in the correct forum.