For Complete Newbies, like myself



New member
Apr 4, 2012
I found these series of 5 youtube videos very helpful in setting up my line. Hope it helps you out just as much as it did for me!
So good video's there, I know I could always use instruction like this.

Thanks for sharing.
I was watching these video series and got hung up on the 3rd video. In this video he ties a short 6 inch section of amnesia filament to the end of the fly line. He does this instead of using a loop on the fly line. So this 6inch section of filament is attached to the fly line via a nail not with a perfection loop tied on the other end for the leader attachment.

I think I like this as his theory for its purpose makes sense to me as a complete novice.....

Any one have any input as to the usefulness or problems with such a setup?
Pauly wrote:
Any one have any input as to the usefulness or problems with such a setup?

If you want to use a loop to loop connection from fly line to leader I definitely would suggest this setup. Two of my fly lines have welded loops (from the factory) my 3rd is setup this way. Definitely don't see any difference between the any of the lines (they're all equally bad....because of the user). I would do this before tying a loop in the fly line.

You do lose some energy transfer with loop to loop connections, but I'm willing to make that sacrafice because I often change my leaders and don't like tying nail knots on the stream.

Hope this helps.
The mono loop connector is a really popular system. I have used it for many years and have been real happy with it. Nail knots on the stream can be reallly frustrating at times. I would recommend this as a real valuable option especially for new fly fisherman. A furled leader also works very well with a mono loop connector this really helps cut to the chase while on the stream as it also virtually eliminates the need to tie blood knots as you simply tie off of the tippet ring with your desired length of tippet material.
What exactly is monofilament? I'd like to have to loop for quick leader changes, but im not exactly sure what monofilament is? Would regular spin fishing line work?
Monofilament is a single strand (mono) fishing line made from nylon usually through a process, I think, called extrusion. pcray - where are you?

For all intents and purposes leader material and spinning line are the same thing up to a point. You could probably get away with a piece of spinning line for tippet material but not the rest of the leader. I think spin line is typically much limper than leader materials.

You can try a perfection loop at the end of your leader and then tie a perfection loop in your tippet and loop them together. I prefer a blood knot for joining leader to tippet.
Sorry, I wasn't to clear. I was talking about using the perfecting loop as a flyline to leader connection. In the video's it showed a guy using a microfilament to connect the leader to the flyline.