Foldable or retractable or whatever their called nets



May 4, 2012
Can anybody recommend a foldable or retractable net? I really should have looked for one at the fly fishing shows but completely blanked. I have already looked at Frabills but they don't look very sturdy? Any opinions here?
I saw them at walmart alongside the Cortland wood nets. I was wondering about them myself. One extra step between me and the next hook up? Or not. I'd be be glad to hear from anyone that tried one.

I was thinking about recycling an old tennis racket and adding a ghost bag and some extra varnish. A touch of rag and bone.
^well played sir
for those of you that have them: what is the big advantage of a folding net? I can see why they're nice in erie and other steelhead areas but why for trout?
Frabill seems to be what most of the comp fishers use. If they like them they must be sturdy.
I use a Frabill retractable and folding net for steelheads in NY and it works great. I even carry it on my back with the magnet set up.
Hey folks I appreciate the input... will take a look at Frabills nets.