FlyTyers Dungeon Holiday Gift boxes



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
Not that I don't already have an assortment of overstocked items for tying lying around but I've found FTD to have some unique items. Their holiday gift boxes are a way to get an assortment of unique items, and the prices are a decent value. They still have some left. I'm not affiliated with FTD in any way, other than being a past customer.
i bought one of the christmas gift boxes a couple of years ago and while it contains a lot of material, i also found a lot of material i wouldnt use
I wasn't implying that everything that is in the boxes I will use. Hence, my statement about having an assortment of overstocked items for fly tying, which I believe is a prerequisite to tying anything :)
i simply replied about the box i received and my observations of what was inside. plain and simple
Bought a bunch of stuff from them once, you get what you pay for that's for sure.