Flyrod Selection



New member
Dec 9, 2012
So, I am really happy with my first shot at an "all around", in my Greys 5 wt. 9' Streamflex

In July, I'm headed out west and don't want to go with one rod, and have been told that I will likely need a 6wt. I have been watching classifieds for a (4) piece 6wt and have not seen anything to my liking. I'd love to hear some recommendations that might compete with my current plan, to order another Greys, in a 6wt, maybe 9'6"?

Price range and intended use ? Dry fly with hoppers, articulared streamers, nymphing or one for all of the above. What is your preferred action? Will weight of the rod be a determining factor?
You have your 5 weight so you have a lot of situations covered. Hoppers, articulated streamers, nymphing can all easily be handled by a 9'6" 6 wt even in moderate wind conditions. And wind will be your biggest need for a 6 wt as wind is very, very common. Actually adverse weather in general. It has hailed golf ball size hail, in multiple swaths, for the last 3 days in Bozeman. Oh, ya and it is currently snowing in higher elevations around Bozeman. Oh and flooding. And of course raining. You get the point. Weather is a key factor.

Frankly it sounds like you have a solution. You like the Streamflex, it's reasonably priced. I think the 9'6" 6 wt would be just about perfect, especially if fishing from a drift boat.

Have fun. I'll be out there right behind ya for about 10 days. Can't wait!
9' 5 wt and 9' 6 wt will cover almost every situation out west. When I went, I took a 5 wt and a 6wt, both were 9' rods. I used the 5 wt for typical dry flies. I used the 6 wt for throwing big foam and streamers. I never had the "I wish I brought another rod" feeling. Sure, you can take a 10' 4 wt rod for nyming and a 7.5' 3wt for small stream fishing, but you don't need them. One of the main reasons to go out west is for the awesome dry fly fishing. If you want to fish nymphs, tie one to the bend of a dry fly as a dropper. A lot of the small streams out west are in meadows or in open canyons, not nearly as brushy as in PA and can be fished with a 9' rod.
thanks guys for the feedback; I feel really fortunate (as a beginner) to be getting some exposure to fishing out there. I am now set to go w/ the 5 and the 6, a couple of spare reels, and plenty of gear for layering and sun protection.....
thanks again...