Flyfishing League Founder Accused of Stealing Thousands From Competitive Anglers

Competitive fishing in any form is nothing more then advertising to hype gear and sell product. Fishing is not a sport and it is not art. It's simply fishing. I have never watched or followed any type of competitive fishing but competitive fly fishing seems as silly as competitive fishing can get. Thats my take and while some may seek fame, acclaim and maybe money others may seek solitude. To each thier own.
Also, you're going to tell me that inflated egos aren't involved?

Inflated egos are involved everywhere. I don't think money comps are any more right or wrong than guide services, fly shops, fly fishing books, shows, dvds or fly fishing websites with paid advertising. They are all driven by money and a passion for fly fishing. I don't find anything wrong with making a living doing something you love. I also have no problem with competition and striving to be better, whether it is against others, yourself, or just for fun.

Taking advantage of gullible anglers is wrong, which is why I will never enter one of these competitions and take their money. :p
Did anybody ever notice all that kayfish does is get people fired up? Can we just remove him from the forums? I think you would be doing everybody a favor. Myself amongst many others I know quite frankly hate seeing him post anywhere.
Being happy that people got swindled out of money is a great quality.... That is my life goal, being happy when other people are screwed. Seems like a few here have perfected it. Can anyone here share any tips?

poopdeck wrote:
Competitive fishing in any form is nothing more then advertising to hype gear and sell product. Fishing is not a sport and it is not art. It's simply fishing. I have never watched or followed any type of competitive fishing but competitive fly fishing seems as silly as competitive fishing can get. Thats my take and while some may seek fame, acclaim and maybe money others may seek solitude. To each thier own.

If fishing is just simply fishing, how is competitive fly fishing any more silly then any other type?
kray and Shane have been more than helpful as long as I've been on this forum. I don't think kray needs to go anywhere. He has a sense of humor that's sometimes sarcastic, just like everyone else.
This is the the internet.
kelso2340 wrote:
Did anybody ever notice all that kayfish does is get people fired up? Can we just remove him from the forums? I think you would be doing everybody a favor. Myself amongst many others I know quite frankly hate seeing him post anywhere.

I don't offer much on this forum, but you sure don't either. Krayfish has offered more on this forum than most people. I think you need to toughen up a little and take a few jabs here and there.

Please don't call for my banning.
kray is un-bannable! He holds the forum record for most consecutive weeks at #1 on the “Best Avatar” charts! Although admittedly, Becker and his cat(s) are catching up.

I too find kray's posts useful. Or at worst, no more un-useful than my own.

kelso – Your avatar is pretty good too, though it loses points for lack of originality. Def a candidate for Bronze medal though.
kelso2340 wrote:
Did anybody ever notice all that kayfish does is get people fired up? Can we just remove him from the forums? I think you would be doing everybody a favor. Myself amongst many others I know quite frankly hate seeing him post anywhere.
you jest,I hope !
I'm offended that you're offended.

I do not post on comps to fire up people......contrary to your assumptions. I'd have more interest in spectating a pie eating contest vs fly comp. Honestly. I can't help my feelings just as I can't help that wet tissue paper appears to be thicker than your skin.

"Myself amongst many others I know quite frankly hate seeing him post anywhere". Well.....let's have some names that belong to the masses you speak of. Let me guess, #Zeus ? LMAO.

"Can we just remove him from the forums?" . What are the other forums I should be removed from? Just curious.

Saying I post nothing useful just screams ignorance.

I had no expectations that I'd get any support but appreciate my relatives that posted above....especially my uncle Pete. LOL

Krayfish always posts good info and is always willing to help others on this forum straight up good dude...

Ban him? come on it's not like he is going over the top and being abusive.. just gives his opinion.. which is what I thought open forums like this are for.
Krayfish's posts are far from useless. Calling for him to be banned is childish.

Krayfish and I have had words on here, and I've had words with others as well. It happens when two people that call things like they see it disagree on the subject at hand. That's all it is and then it's water under the bridge. Too many people now days just hold in their words so as not to possibly be offensive to someone. Yuppies.

Very unfortunate that the scam went down. One cannot be too careful when investing that kind of cash and the scheme was a classic Ponzi-type.

I don't think much of making fly fishing competitive, but don't mind those who do.

The score in this thread looks to be Krayfish 1 Ban call 0.

I laughed out loud at the measuring contest reference.
If fishing is just simply fishing, how is competitive fly fishing any more silly then any other type?

Your right. It's all pretty silly but at least with the other types there are fast boats and a weigh in. Again, I can't believe anybody is a fan of fishing as a sport but you got to agree that watching fly fishing and following fly fishing is as absurd as calling it art.

Why can't fishing simply be fishing? Why do some people have to make it out to be more? The simple answer, and I'm an expert at simple, is because they want to consider themselves on a higher rung of the fishing ladder and better then joe six-pack. Hence why we have competitive fly fishing. Not knocking anybody because I do appreciate the freedom to do and act as you wish. I find humor in the sterotypical fly fishermen just as they find humor in my simplistic style of fishing.
Sucks to hear about people losing hard earned money...

Am I the only one who sees this as not necessarily a case of malicious scamming, but flaky wishful thinking / incompetence / mismanagement and then going underground instead of owning up to the mess and winding it down "gracefully" ?

Either way, sucks, but did the guy really embezzle a lot, or just fail to make his venture work and generate the revenue stream he needed to honor his commitments?

Ugh, that sounds like i am defending him. NOT trying to do that... just think the world is a little nicer to live in if we are less quick to assume people are evil / malicious / nefarious when sometimes they are just flaky / weak / manic depressive / whatever.
