Flyfishing League Founder Accused of Stealing Thousands From Competitive Anglers



Jan 27, 2013
PFA is now defunct

Feel bad for the guys who lost money
I saw this a while back. Crazy.

On a side note, does any else find the phrase "competitive fly fishing" as silly as I do?
This is fantastic.

Are the guys in the comps good anglers? Don't care. I think that many of us view fly fishing as a passionate sport / hobby. The comp guys whore themselves out as soon as they think they can make a buck. Reminds me of a fly shop owner from just across the NY border. If the sponsors and the participants get fleeced, so be it. Lay with dogs and you'll get fleas.

Instead of trying to get a check or move up in the points standings, why don't you volunteer and teach new anglers or children? By volunteer, I don't mean charge them $150 a head to learn to nymph (same way it's been done for 75 years) but you put your pointer finger on the other side of the cork and call it 'wacky tight nymphing'.

Seachrist out!
steveo27 wrote:
I saw this a while back. Crazy.

On a side note, does any else find the phrase "competitive fly fishing" as silly as I do?
yep and feel they deserve what they lost.
allan_s wrote:
PFA is now defunct

Feel bad for the guys who lost money

Thanks for the link.
Short version - if I read it correctly - is that a fellow out West started an organization to promote individuals in FF competitions and basically kept the money they gave him. Individual in question (I'd never heard of him) is apparently a dentist but was already in big financial trouble and bankrupt during his involvement with the organization.

Anyway...I don't follow the professional FF competition world (am largely neutral on the issue), but it seems to me this was a small scale scam that fleeced a couple dozen unfortunate dreamers. Whether it will have significant or lasting impact on the world of competitive FFing is certainly questionable.

Perhaps some folks who follow this business can shed more accurate light on this than I.
steveo27 wrote:
I saw this a while back. Crazy.

On a side note, does any else find the phrase "competitive fly fishing" as silly as I do?

Silly? Not sure I would have used that word, but yea. It works.

We could always start a fantasy fly fishing league. :roll: ;-)
This is not a part or Team USA fly fishing or the Troutlegend League. The guy had money problems i guess, and screwed a lot of good people over. I do not know or care about any more details than that. All i know is that it was wrong and that there are people that are out thousands of dollars. so do not sit there and act like they deserved to lose thousands of dollars...
and Krayfish, please enlighten me on how you know that comp guys dont do this? please give me examples
I do compete just like some others on here (never pfa), and i still do a ton of other stuff with PHWFF etc. so do not make us all out to be bad people, especially if you have #1 never met me, #2 never witnessed an actual event, and #3 have no reason to hate people because they do something different than yourself and hurt no one or thing in the process.

Just be a little less harsh on the words. not everyone is going to like the same things. but i dont sit here and bash others for the way they fish (unless illegally) or anything else for that matter.
I hate people who fish with midges or any fly under size 20.

Joking of course. Besides how would I know, I can't even see them.
"and Krayfish, please enlighten me on how you know that comp guys dont do this? please give me examples"

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say or ask. Comp guys don't do what??

"I do compete just like some others on here (never pfa), and i still do a ton of other stuff with PHWFF etc. so do not make us all out to be bad people, especially if you have #1 never met me, #2 never witnessed an actual event, and #3 have no reason to hate people because they do something different than yourself and hurt no one or thing in the process."

Umm, I don't know what pfa or PHWFF are since I'm not into a d**k measuring contest with other anglers. #1 - Never met you is correct AND you've never met me. #2 - Nope, never been to an event. I'm not interested in the atmosphere, unjustly inflated egos and other BS. #3 - Hate people? Not sure I ever said that I hated comp guys or even bamboo / greenie weenie guys. What the comps do is take a beautiful sport that is primarily done alone or with the company of a select friend or two. They turn it into a circus like atmosphere similar to what you'd find during the run of Kings in Pulaski.

You are correct that nobody is hurt but it reflects poorly on the sport (IMHO). As for nothing being hurt, are you sure? Ripping 3 fish out in the last minutes of a comp so you can jump 2 spots on the have to be handled and measured don't they? Since the angler is in a rush, the handling of the fish is less than ideal and respectful to the fish. Just sayin.

To quote Austin Powers..... It's not my bag baby.
krayfish2 wrote:
"and Krayfish, please enlighten me on how you know that comp guys dont do this? please give me examples"

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say or ask. Comp guys don't do what??

"Instead of trying to get a check or move up in the points standings, why don't you volunteer and teach new anglers or children?"

"I do compete just like some others on here (never pfa), and i still do a ton of other stuff with PHWFF etc. so do not make us all out to be bad people, especially if you have #1 never met me, #2 never witnessed an actual event, and #3 have no reason to hate people because they do something different than yourself and hurt no one or thing in the process."

Umm, I don't know what pfa or PHWFF are since I'm not into a d**k measuring contest with other anglers.

Ya im sure you really do not know What Project Healing Waters Fly fishing is... and im pretty sure ive never measured my d**k with anyone.

#1 - Never met you is correct AND you've never met me. #2 - Nope, never been to an event. I'm not interested in the atmosphere, unjustly inflated egos and other BS.

Again, you have no clue what you are talking about. you have never been, so you really dont know what your talking about. My ego isnt inflated, along with most, if not all, the others that fish them.

#3 - Hate people? Not sure I ever said that I hated comp guys or even bamboo / greenie weenie guys. What the comps do is take a beautiful sport that is primarily done alone or with the company of a select friend or two. They turn it into a circus like atmosphere similar to what you'd find during the run of Kings in Pulaski.

Never once witnessed any of this. more of a circus at a big gathering of people jammed into one section of river. comps are 1 guy per 200 yards. please explain how thats a circus. I garuntee the PAFF jams have more people on less water than a comp. not a bad thing, but just to compare.

You are correct that nobody is hurt but it reflects poorly on the sport (IMHO). As for nothing being hurt, are you sure? Ripping 3 fish out in the last minutes of a comp so you can jump 2 spots on the have to be handled and measured don't they? Since the angler is in a rush, the handling of the fish is less than ideal and respectful to the fish. Just sayin.

It only reflects poorly with people who have never been to an event. is "ripping 3 fish out in th elast minutes of a comp so i can jump 2 spots on the board" any different than any fish that you catch at any time? no. its just that i did it within time constraints, that is all. fish are put into a wet pvc pipe cut in half and dumped back in the river. WAY WAY WAY less handling than the photo brigade and hero shots.

To quote Austin Powers..... It's not my bag baby.
Thank you for sharing
I don't even know why you are trying to justify Andy, Mike. Lol

Andy is who he is and that is all. He doesn't care or know about all the help you or other comp fishing guys provide to new fishermen, veterans, and kids throughout the year. It does not fit his rhetoric. Just as I might say every trout is stocked, he trolls for competition anglers.
I've met two competition anglers in the course of my Fly Fishing journey. One is Shane and I cannot remember the other gentleman's name.
Shane has given me a lot of tips and guidance over the years and the other gentleman (holy crap! the way I just wrote that implies I think Shane is a gentleman! :) )I observed during a competition on the Lackawanna would patiently explain choice of fly and technique as he fished.

Pretty decent individuals in my book.
djs12354 wrote:
I've met two competition anglers in the course of my Fly Fishing journey. One is Shane and I cannot remember the other gentleman's name.
Shane has given me a lot of tips and guidance over the years and the other gentleman (holy crap! the way I just wrote that implies I think Shane is a gentleman! :) )I observed during a competition on the Lackawanna would patiently explain choice of fly and technique as he fished.

Pretty decent individuals in my book.

Lol thanks D, but Andy will say the exact opposite about me.
Don't make this personal. This news piece shows that there are unscrupulous organizers and gullible participants in these events. It doesn't indict either group or individual.

Exactly what fits 'my rhetoric'? Also, I don't troll comp threads. Until Hilary outlaws free speech, I am allowed to voice my opinion.

It's pretty obvious that I don't support fishing events be it noodling for flatheads or Euro-Czech-French jigging with bot beads. Don't get me wrong, I like to win as much as the next guy which is why I entered a fastest blinking comp, a stringing the rod comp and a Brittany staredown comp. I've already put up a 74 & 1 record when playing 500 Rum against Kramer but I may loose the stare comp. LOL. To me, it takes a fun activity and makes it a lot less fun. Also, you're going to tell me that inflated egos aren't involved? Come on. I'm not permitted to use this person's name but he's done DVD's and was on Hardy staff......yeah, you know who I mean. No ego there, right?

US fly fishing team? Really? Why not US waffle eating team or US quilting team? If they hand out participation trophies, sign me up.....I'll start training tomorrow (whatever that means).

It shows that people can be taken advantage of because they strive for some type of fame or notoriety. It's nothing new. I don't understand the need to prove you are a competent angler...... But then again, I'm the best fisherman in my house and thats only because the dog doesn't have thumbs to hold the rod.
I always considered fly fishing and fly tying as art forms. Passed on to me by my father and his friend (both mentors for me). Therefore, I don't have any room for "competition" fly fishing. Well, maybe a friendly bet, not to be taken seriously, for who buys the first drink at the end of the day's fishing.
outsider wrote:

Well, maybe a friendly bet, not to be taken seriously, for who buys the first drink at the end of the day's fishing.

Yep. This is a competitive as it should get. Last fish landed buys the first rounds