FlyFishing Full Retail

To be fair, I work in a shop. So maybe I'm skewed just a little. That being said, I truly try to find a balance between making money for our business and getting you the right gear for the right situation. I'm not going to sell you a $600 wading jacket if you're looking for a spring rain shell. Nor will I fight to sell you a rod because it's the most expensive. I'm not here to rake you over the coals but to provide the right information and help you find the right fit gear-wise, period.

So it's a little gnarly to dole out information and tips and advice on a daily basis and then hear that having an accessible fly shop is not a big deal for you. Just like I don't enjoy spending the time to find you the right fit of waders for you to go online and buy them at the cheapest price possible. Fly shops are a commodity that I found supremely useful as I was learning to fish and, to be frank, the internet will never replace good fishermen in good places handing out good advice.

Thanks for the support from the people who replied. I appreciate it.