Flybrary Project in PA



Jun 13, 2018
Not sure if this had been discussed on PAFF yet. The Flybrary Project is a great idea that gives the opportunity for anglers to leave a couple flies at a boat ramp/access point/parking lot for other to use. I just put one on the lower section of Spring Creek, right above the "Harmony Forge Inn." I saw two others along Spring as well, one around Axeman and another at Benner.

This is the one I added.

Where else have these been spotted?


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"Need one, take one. Need two, get a job."

Could not resist.
I just saw one for the second time last week. The first one was at the Austin Blakeslee natural area in Blakeslee and last week I saw one on the Lehigh River at the Rockport access. I think it is a great idea but hope that people don't get greedy.
Of all places, I saw a couple of these exchanges last Summer at maintained launches/accesses on the main Penobscot between Medway and Old Town.

It's a nice idea.

On Edit: I also saw one at the upper (pump station) access on Little Sandy. That was this past October...
Last time I fished, at the Yellow Creek FFO section in early November, I saw flies hanging on the big poster board in the parking lot.
Don't remember seeing anything explaining what it was though.
I just figured that somebody probably found some flies, and left them there so that they might get returned to the owner.
I saw the one at Benner Sp this past weekend.

Take one/leave one fly boards have been around for awhile however I had not seen this particular version before Saturday.
There's this hemlock tree on Spruce Creek that has taken a few flies from me and from which I have taken a few as well.
I really appreciate the full dress salmon flies someone left. I took all of them and left a poorly tied glo bug in exchange.
I haven't seen one yet sadly but I absolutely love the idea! You can maybe still get them for free from Tailer Trash I want to say it was. I have one but I haven't decided where to put it up yet. You get some cool stickers with it too.
Neat idea. Maybe I'll buy and hang one on my local stream or a few of my local streams. I can almost guarantee that some punk will rip it off of the post/tree and vandalize it but we will see what happens. I'll also start it off with 10 flies or so.

The inner anti-litterer hates the idea of putting a piece of foam out there that will probably end up in the environment, though.
dryflyguy wrote:

Last time I fished, at the Yellow Creek FFO section in early November, I saw flies hanging on the big poster board in the parking lot.

I was there in September. There were a few flies hanging. We left a few more.

The last thing I need is more flies, so we didn't take any. I just hope that all of the boards, wherever they may be, don't get stripped clean by somebody either too greedy, or too naive to understand the concept.

Thanks to the OP for starting another one!
I think it's a novel idea and worthy of support. I think the concept will be enjoyed far more then abused. Kindness strengthens kindness.
I don't think that people will abuse them as far as taking a bunch of flies. If someone did take a ton of flies I'm guessing that they needed them. I'll always have flies to donate to the flybrarys.

Some places it is severely unlikely but I think in my neck of the woods vandalizing/stealing the whole board will happen. I'm putting one up to experiment with what happens. I'll keep the board posted on it..
You elitist! What about a roostertail spinnner and snelled hook board? Not everyone has thousands of dollars to fly fish and besides, you wouldn't have trout to fish for without the spin fisherman who shoulders the majority of stocking cost with their license dollars. How bout it Mike?

The pin on the grenade has been pulled
There’s one on the gate at the parking lot in Rothrock State Forest , lower end of the gorge on the Little J. I added to it last time I was there.
JackM wrote:
There's this hemlock tree on Spruce Creek that has taken a few flies from me and from which I have taken a few as well.

Old school. I took three out of tree on Monday that weren't mine, but I think I left one.
Funny. On some of the creeks I fish that are fished more heavily by others in the Spring, I often notice flies and spinners (occasionally a plug, if I'm lucky) that were lost in trees and inaccessible during high water. I can often reach them in late Spring or Summer when the water level is much lower. Bonus!
I put the one up at Rockport on the Lehigh River in the gorge. Make a left and walk upstream from the parking area, its behind one of the trail signs on the right just up past the tributary. Glad it is getting some use!

There is also one on the Bushkill by the dam. Also saw one on Fishing Creek and on Penn's creek too.

They have a map on their website that should show you most of their locations. If you put one up, make sure you share it with them so they can update it.