flybox lost on the Tully on Sat 9/8



New member
Jun 10, 2007
A gray Scientific Anglers box, lost down below the Paper Mill, just upstream from the overpass. Not the best flies, it was my first winter on the vise, but it sure was a lot of hours! Ugggghhh. If anyone happened to come across it, I would be most grateful.
That's a total bummer! I hope you get that box back. I once "lost" my box of streamers while hiking back to my vechicle over some rough terrain. Luckily I noticed that it was gone and retraced my steps until I found it in a small ravine. Since then, I got a label maker and have put my name and number on every box of flies I own and carry.
I also label my fly boxes with an address. Then when I wrapped guides and had leftover wrap epoxy, I used it to laminate over the label. Now, if I lose it and someone finds it, there is a chance of return, or at least a chance they'll send a thank you note. I hope you locate it. Don't forget to check with any local fly shops or tackle stores. Sometimes found items are returned there in the hope that the owner will inquire.
Bummer on the box. Circle gets the square on the labeling your box. P-
Good luck with getting them back. I know the feeling well.
A year or 2 after I started tying, in the mid '80's, I dropped a whole box of flies in the little juniata river. They popped out of my vest while fishing at dark, and never realized it until I walked off the stream. I had to replace lots of flies afterward.
I bought a vest with zippered pockets shortly afterward. And started to make sure to zip every box in after using it. I haven't lost one since. So. I did learn from the experience
After tying for about my first two years, buying about 400 on eBay, and being given thousands of flies by a friend that died, my car was broken in to and I lost almost all of them.

It sucks, and I hope you find your box. Replacing flies is hell.