Fly Tying Contests?

I detest all contests in connection with my pastimes.
Guess if you were a photographer you would detest photo contests too.

So what are your reasons? I have other responses from a blog I started that are in favor because it shows the art form of the fly.

Others that are against say they don't see the need since the scraggly fly they tied catch fish.
I tie for pleasure and utility, not for praise. I find many, if not most, contests to be vanity. This is why I detest them in my pastimes, but I have no problem if they bring joy to others as participants or spectators.
Valid response Jack.

I always looked at Fly Tying as an art form. Can art be judge? Isn't it in the eye of the beholder? It is up to the judge(s) and what their perception of a beautiful fly looks like or how a painting is painted. This is subjective and the participant should know that before they enter.

I find them fun and I get to see some really exceptional tied flies. Now with Facebook and Instagram I have seen many exceptionally tied flies that can be framed on a wall as a piece of art.

Lets face it when we read Fly Tyer Magazine we all like to see a clean, exceptionally tied fly.
JerryCoviello wrote:
Guess if you were a photographer you would detest photo contests too.

So what are your reasons? I have other responses from a blog I started that are in favor because it shows the art form of the fly.

Others that are against say they don't see the need since the scraggly fly they tied catch fish.

Actually, i've peaked in Jack's flybox...his flies sure are scraggly...but I'm not sure if they even catch anything! :)

There may be some on here looking to participate, but I would guess I many more members would be interested in observing and admiring the flies submitted for the contest.

What type of contest do you have in mind, Jerry?
afishinado wrote:
Actually, i've peaked in Jack's flybox...his flies sure are scraggly

Those are the ones I stole from Maurice. And, I don't care if you peeked in my flybox, but I would be offended if you peaked in it.
Personally, I wouldn't be interested. Life is competitive enough already; I fish and tie to get out of the rat race, not find ways to extend it.

OTOH, I have nothing against tying contests for those who enjoy such things.
afishinado wrote:
JerryCoviello wrote:
Guess if you were a photographer you would detest photo contests too.

So what are your reasons? I have other responses from a blog I started that are in favor because it shows the art form of the fly.

Others that are against say they don't see the need since the scraggly fly they tied catch fish.

Actually, i've peaked in Jack's flybox...his flies sure are scraggly...but I'm not sure if they even catch anything! :)

There may be some on here looking to participate, but I would guess I many more members would be interested in observing and admiring the flies submitted for the contest.

What type of contest do you have in mind, Jerry?

I am using the responses to formulate what I will run into if and when the FFI Fly Tying Group creates it's first Fly Tying Contest.

I have been a contestant in many of them and know the drill. Honestly they are fun and I did learn a lot of techniques that did help my tying.

There is no problem with tying a fly just to catch a fish, that is why we tie flies. BUT there are a few that have gone to the next level and wanted to tie a well proportionate fly.

I rarely share the flies I actually fish with, and I really don't have the time to tie flies I'm not going to fish with. So, while I would enjoy seeing the results of a competition (stokes the creativity), I doubt I would actually enter one, unless it was for a holiday fly (I won a Christmas fly contest either on this site or another once for a red, green, and gold deceiver) or maybe just a competition tying a standard fly like a griffith's gnat or something like that. I guard my actual fishing flies pretty jealously.
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
I rarely share the flies I actually fish with, and I really don't have the time to tie flies I'm not going to fish with. So, while I would enjoy seeing the results of a competition (stokes the creativity), I doubt I would actually enter one, unless it was for a holiday fly (I won a Christmas fly contest either on this site or another once for a red, green, and gold deceiver) or maybe just a competition tying a standard fly like a griffith's gnat or something like that. I guard my actual fishing flies pretty jealously.

My first contest I had to tie a parmachene belle wet fly. I won and I used the ones I practiced with to fish with. I caught many a brook trout. If it wasn't for that contest I would never have tried to tie a married wing wet fly and fish it. Now I have a bunch in my fly box.

I show everyone my fishing flies. Not worried about someone coping them. Guess it is the instructor in me to show and promote fly tying.
I like the swaps and the photos. I to am against tying for a contests, I to tie for my fish not my eyes. I also fish for my hand; not for my belly or others.
CRB wrote:
I like the swaps and the photos. I to am against tying for a contests, I to tie for my fish not my eyes. I also fish for my hand; not for my belly or others.

But you wouldn't flame post one if it was posted, correct?

Its the same with fishing competitions, if you don't like it don't participate.

I personally don't tie flies to impress other people, I tie them to catch fish. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it, I enjoy tying very much but I tie them because I enjoy the process and the tradition of it all not to impress someone else.

The problem with tying competitions to me would be that the judging is based on what someone else thinks a fly should be, to me a fly is sort of a functional art and should be tied the way the tier wants the fly to look like, and not tying it based on someone elses opinion on how it should look.

But with all that said, I dont see anything actually wrong with having a competition, Its all just good fun, if thats your thing, and there are others who enjoy that type of thing then why not?
I tie for pleasure and utility, not for praise. I find many, if not most, contests to be vanity. This is why I detest them in my pastimes, but I have no problem if they bring joy to others as participants or spectators.

+ one
I hope you didn't post this to hope someone would offer "throw down negativity."
I'm fine with tying contests.

Cumberland Valley TU used to sponsor the state fly tying championship during the Sports and Outdoor Show. This was a fun event and attracted some real talent.

Keep us informed. Good luck with your project.
I'm not into contests that rely on subjective judgement to determine winners.

If there was a way to score fly tying objectively you might get my attention.