Fly tying 101


Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
There has been a lot of interest lately about learning to tie flies. Here's a great site to get you started with the basics.

Fly tying 101 link

Maybe someone in the Mod Squad may want to make this link a stickie.

Happy holidays - Good luck.
That's a great site-- one I used early on to assist me in the learning curve. As for making it a sticky, that decision is left to Dave Kile. However, it is probably unlikely that one of the many instructional websites would be highlighted in that manner. This does however suggest a great idea which may be to create a page or thread as a sort of "Knowledge Base" where all the great on-site instructional sites could be catalogued with links, such as:

Fly Tying
Yeah Jack, it’s like “Groundhog Day” when a newbie asks about starting fly tying, or which equipment to buy, or questions about basic fly-casting, etc. Sticky posts that address their questions with the info and links to relevant sites that have been contributed by the many experienced board members would be helpful.
I challenge the members who are so inclined to put together a list of links on relevant topics for beginners. If you want to take the responsibility for, as an example, "Fly Tying For Beginners," just post your intention or post the collection of links. Then once a sufficient amount are assembled, we can put together a post that collects and categorizes them. We have a start with Fly Tying 101.

Once assembled, we can approach Dave about making a sticky out of them. I can assist but I can't run the show. Any volunteers?
My favorite site to point out to folks is:

Another good site for beginners is They have a beginners section that has articles on how to assemble your gear, tie basic knots etc. Flytying, rod building and casting are regular features too.

Orvis has a good page on animated knots:
Watching the tippet tie itself into a knot can help a person figure out how to make those things! Or it can be a hopeless distraction.
I don't see why making it a sticky would be a problem, I like the idea. To take it another step further, this site "should" in my opinion have its own fly tying page made up of contributions that the members submit along with pictures and tutorials. Perhaps a link on the side bar for fly tying then a step down to beginners, basics, popular ties for PA, advanced techniques, etc. Each page with the ability to branch out as expansive as the contributions allow.

I think that the use on this site is far too heavily weighted on the message board pages.

I hope Dave can see his way to allowing us to build an archive of articles and tutorials on fly tying. Then instead of linking to other sites for this information we can point to another page on this site. Just a thought.

Actually, that is what the "tips & tricks" forum was added for. The topics were to be brainstorming sessions to develop concise and practical tips for fly fishing but it kind of got off track. Years ago on the old site there was a page of tips submitted by site contributors. Some pretty neat stuff.

This could be a fun aspect of building this site into a greater resource than it already is.

Great idea Afish.
