Fly rod musky.

Good job, thats a great start, sorry about your rods, i think i would just use my Redinton 11 wt that just collects dust,what kind of lines? i have teeny 350 saltwater lines for my 9 weight.
Tight Wraps Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
Awesome fish man!! I'm new to this site and still pretty new to Musky fishing, especially on the fly. So far I only have couple of low 30's in the net and have lost some really nice ones on the fly. I was a trout bum for about 20 years and my biggest issue has been teaching my mind and body to stop trying a trout hookset instead of using a stripstrike on these fish.

I'm really trying to focus on that this year. So far I've landed one and missed 3 this year. However, 2 of those were on a surface fly, so thats a whole different ballgame. LOL

Anyhow, congrats again and good luck!!

Jealousy... pure jealousy from those Philthidelphians. Both on the fish and the shirt.

Nice fish btw. I have it in the back of my mind to try for those one of these days, but I don't have the time to do it yet. One of these days.
Hey I say jump right into it. Get a 10wt , the biggest hooks you can tye on and get use to the low flying bird coming over your shoulder every forward cast.
Hey I say jump right into it. Get a 10wt , the biggest hooks you can tye on and get use to the low flying bird coming over your shoulder every forward cast.

I've gotten used to casting the "big boys", I regularly throw 3/0's for bass and 5/0 tandems for pike, but I've still yet to see any muskies within a reasonable casting distance, although I did tie up a box of muskie flies in case I do...
Paco nails another muskie! Awesome. A very healthy river purebred - looks to be in the upper 30" range. Nice job.
Congrats on another nice toothy critter!! It might be a while before I get a chance to get another serious trip in. Keep the pics comin, I'll need em to survive. LOL

BTW, cool T-shirt. I'm assuming thats a Black Label Society shirt anyhow. If not, forget I mentioned anything. LOL
Sniperfreak if your waiting to see a musky to cast to ur probably gonna wait a longtime. And if ya see one it probably woulnt react to your fly. A nuetral fish thats not actively moving or feeding is just that nuetral.

The only advice im gonna give is if your serious about catching 1 you have to DEDICATE yourself. I have only trout fished once since the 1st day. The guys I musky fish with we eat, sleep and live to fish forthem with a fly. And know we are going to endor long periods between action wether its a follow, stike or hook up. The long periods between fish make you appreciate when they decide to show themselves. But also crush your spirit when you miss 1 . That is the mindgame we play. To me these fish are worth ever ounce of effort, sweat and to me are the utimate challenge.
I agree with PACO. You gotta go all in for these fish. Sure, you might get lucky and hook one while your out fishing for other species, but you really gotta put some serious time in to get shots with any sort of consistency (if there is such a thing with Musky). LOL

Even though I live just minutes from some of the best trout fishing in the East, I still can't get myself to chase them much anymore. Musky are in the blood now and even if I don't see a fish on an outing, I'm still learning more for the next trip. Even just talking about it gets me fired up enough that I'm ready to leave work right now and go after them!@!

Best thing to do is try to get on some "numbers" water if you can. Once there, cast away to likely looking areas and pretend like you have a fish following or ready to hit on every cast. The second you lose focus is when that fish will show up, and thats a fact. LOL

Another cool thing is that I get to practice different things with casting techniques as there can be a lot of time between fish. I'm still not the greatest caster, but it has improved tremendously since I started chasing Musky. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the hell out of every trip out. The fish will come and the knees will be shaking!! :)
The main way i keep focus on my fly is your the 1 giving it action. Your the 1 manipulating the line and rod in a manner that makes your fly move in a wouned or fleeing action. The cast you day dream or have a brain fart might be the 1 you have a fallow you dont see or a strike you miss. Trust me river musky are like ghosts. They drift in and out of sight so smoothly and quickly and leave ya wondering if ya really saw something. You gotta be aware of your fly and whats going n around it as much as you can.
I've got caught up b.s. with my friends and missed 2 strikes so far. Just because of a lose of focus. It will happen. You cant be " on the clock "everycast of every minute you fish. This is the mind game.
Yeah this happens to everyone now and again. You aren't paying attention just for a split second and bam you miss a strike. They are probably the sneakiest fish that I have ever had the chance to fish. The mind game for sure is exactly like Paco says. You have to be paying attention at all times which can be hard. It's not a day on the water with the boys talking and gabbing all the time. It's mostly complete silence because everyone is concentrating.
Tonights fish my biggest yet.


Beautiful purebred - looks to be mid 40 inch range(?) Awesome catch!

Keep nailing 'em, Paco.
Very nice fish, another T-shirt again..PINK ??? does it help catch fish..LOL...are you retrieving the fly hand over hand or just one hand stripping. Shooting basket ??
pink makes the boys wink.
Wow thats a nice fish!!!

One of my favorite things about fly fishing is being able to hit the vice and try different species. And I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to try for Muskie. I know some spin guys that have caught them on the Lehigh River near the hamilton dam...I doubt this is "numbers" water though...

It looks like a nice reward after a lot of hard work...can you quantify a lil more? ( you get a hook up every X time you fish)
Is there a particular time of day that best?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to think if this is even close to a reality for me, if I have time to grind it out etc...if not, I should stop day dreaming and get back to work. haha

sandfly wrote:
Very nice fish, another T-shirt again..PINK ??? does it help catch fish..LOL...are you retrieving the fly hand over hand or just one hand stripping. Shooting basket ??

Didn't ya hear its the new black
if you can catch a fish like that you are man enough to wear what you want.

Is that fly your own design or from someone else's design? Lake or river?
The fly is my take on a design. Thats the rewarding part of whipin something up in the vice then taking it to the water and get feedback. You dont catch a fish everytime your out. And theres no such thing as a numbers musky water. If there was I'd be fishiing it . Its a grind and not everyone gets it. Some guys are just wired different.
