fly rod break in

tomgamber, I strongly suggest staying away from beeswax. I tried that once and I was very close to not being able to get the rod apart. Parafin is what is recommended for rod ferrules.

jrcll, you're right. Break down, not break in.
His point was he didn't want to get the rod apart...he used glue...but he mis-aligned the guides. Not fixable with glue...fixable and reversible with bees wax.
I think it is reasonable to expect that any material that is loaded and unloaded through numerous cycles will deteriorate over time. That applies to graphite, fiberglass, and bamboo just as much as it did to the steel leaf springs in my '88 Wrangler before I had to let it go.

I've never noticed it on any of my rods, but it would be great to use one enough to "wear it out". If I ever did that I would retire it to a prominent spot above the mantle on my fireplace!

David wrote:
just out of idle curiosity...does anyone know what kind of break in period a fly rod has (i'm thinking primarily graphite)? I know, for instance, that a good aluminum or composite softball bat has a break in period of about 200 hits until it reaches it's designed "flex" for maximum hitting distance. I recognize that one of my rods fishes differently than it did at the beginning of the year...I'm certain this is the break in, but have never given "break in" consideration when purchasing a rod. Realizing that every rod will have variables, does anybody go by a "standard" measurement of casts/ fish caught/ flex motions/ etc.?

Have you ever considered just asking the maufacturer?

Also I know this is more basic than you want to hear but any rod isn't the same after you have fished it awhile. You may be one of the very few that can feel the flex difference but I truly believe we adjust to the rod. At first it's foreign then it starts talking and we start listening. I'm sure they may change during use but we also change as well, unless we're some kind of super calibrated machine. I thought my first new rod was great. Now I fish so totally different I never pick it up. That was in less then 6 months.

My goodness if I have to keep up with how fast my rod is changing with every cast then apply that to my breakdown age and lack of flexiblility I'll have to just give up. No more fishing for me. I'm curious too. Really! If you want a good answer call a rod rep and share what he tells you. The way I fish most days my rod is way too broken in by any standards! Thank God I still try to hear it and it still trys to listen.
wetnet wrote:

Have you ever considered just asking the maufacturer?

The manufacturer was one of the 3 I send the question to, but it could have been a customer service rep without much product knowledge...The sales rep might be a better source. Thanks Wetnet!