fly rod break in



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
just out of idle curiosity...does anyone know what kind of break in period a fly rod has (i'm thinking primarily graphite)? I know, for instance, that a good aluminum or composite softball bat has a break in period of about 200 hits until it reaches it's designed "flex" for maximum hitting distance. I recognize that one of my rods fishes differently than it did at the beginning of the year...I'm certain this is the break in, but have never given "break in" consideration when purchasing a rod. Realizing that every rod will have variables, does anybody go by a "standard" measurement of casts/ fish caught/ flex motions/ etc.?
I bought an inexpensive graphite blank to build my 3-weight and after a couple years of heavy use, I notice the action seems slower than when it started. guys are way more observant than me with rods. I never even knew there was a break in period. Makes sense, just never noticed it before.
The only thing I've ever worried about "breaking in" on a new graphite fly rod were the ferules. I think the ferules are more apt to be a bit snug and you simply have to be careful putting together and taking apart the sections the first several times you use the rod. I don't think the flex changes or breaks in, at least I've never noticed it on any rod I've ever owned.
That's just your subconscious campaigning for a new rod. :-D
jayL wrote:
That's just your subconscious campaigning for a new rod. :-D

I actually find I like it better...but don't tell my wife, and we'll see if we can't get a new one anyway!
I've been in, or associated with, the ff'ing business for a lot of years and I've never heard of a break-in period for a graphite rod. I'm what would be called an aggressive caster (I really enjoy distance casting, it helps me become a more efficient all around caster) and I push a rod to its maximum right away.

As for material break-down (rod becomes softer over time with much use) I have been told that graphite is not known to be affected. Fiberglass is another critter, entirely. Fiberglass is known to break down over time with use.
>>I've been in, or associated with, the ff'ing business for a lot of years and I've never heard of a break-in period for a graphite rod.>>

Me either...
Graphite retains 99% of it's flex with use. Boo retains a lot less.
The best way to break-in a new fly rod is to use it as often as possible.
flyeyeeye wrote:
Graphite retains 99% of it's flex with use. Boo retains a lot less.

I may have to disagree with you about the bamboo. I own a few with a couple dating back a few years. If they have been taken care of, (put away dry), and well made using Tonkin, I really believe they cast pretty close to the day they were first made. Just my opinion though.

Ok, I wrote to 2 manufacturers and one knowledgable fly shop owner. They all say no break in period, but....
One says: while the graphite doesn't have a break in period, the resin will fatigue and soften over time.
One says: It's the first time they've ever been asked. Rods will soften over time, but break in period?
The last one, in escence, sent me a sales pitch saying that graphite is waterproof.... Thanks for ignoring the actual question there Orvis!

So, to me, this is constitutes the "break in" that I was refering to...whether it is the resin or the graphite, over a year of throwing heavy flies and long line the rod has slowed some and casts differently. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Maybe your evolving as a caster....
Don't buy the breakin-feel we just get use to the rod and our muscles fine tune.
However if you have a two or more piece rod and get the bright idea to turn it into a one piecer with instant glue-
BE VERY SURE THE GUIDES ARE LINED UP before jamming the parts together because its forever.
Did that dumb trick to a spinning rod yesterday,after it flew apart on a cast.No way is it coming apart again-also useless-lol
David, it's my story too and I'm sticking with it.

The resin relaxes... yyyyeaahhhh... that's the ticket.
>>No way is it coming apart again-also useless-lol>>

Well, maybe it doesn't have to be "useless".

I mean, couldn't you just lean your body at the same angle as the guide alignment is off when you fish it?

Then you might not notice its out of whack...

Worth a try, I'd think.
the things we do in the heat of the, I don't know if I'd have admitted that one though. Next time just toss a hunk of beeswax in there. If you change your mind, all you need is heat.
When you get to be my age you better be able to laugh at dumb moves-they get more frequent but you forget them.
The reason-I use instant glue to attach soft plastics to jig heads.Takes about 30 seconds for that to work-I thought that would be plenty of time to line up guides.This was instant-less then two seconds anyway-lol
hmmm sounds more like material break down than a break in