Fly of the Month by mkern: the bubble caddis



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Just want to thank mkern for his contribution for Fly of the Month in the blog with his Bubble Caddis. He did a great job explaining all his steps and his photographs worked real well.

The post and steps to make his fly can be found on the front blog. Thanks again.

Just curious about the tubing...what exactly am I looking for here? Where would I get clear vinyl tubing? Could I use scud back?
You should be able to get it at a fly shop. They sell different thicknesses. You may be able to find it at a craft store, but that's a tough find.
Thin rubber tubing, that will not go flat, is quite available at craft stores. Look in the beading section. Willc ome white, clear, and black.

Obviously, you'll want clear. It will do quite nicely to allow under body to show through.
I get mine from a fly shop or cabela's.

The stuff I use is a product of Hareline and is less than $2/yard.

It comes in three sizes (micro, midge, and standard) and a couple dozen colors (from clear, red, yellow, orange, black, olive, green, to stuff like peacock and other "exotics"). However, you will have to usually place and order with a fly shop to get the more exotic colors.

If you pull it taunt it will only have a slight bubble, but it if you wrap it loose, it will have a more rounded effect. I prefer pulling it tight.

Roman Moser Tubing is larger and is hard to find. If he is at Somerset I'd get if from him there. Way more expensive but has many uses.

Tubing is one of my favorite tying materials.
hats off to you matt for going to your local fly shop....nice fly, will have to try some.
I posted it as a comment to the blog, but it bears repeating.

Tying the head before wrapping the final materials is a great technique. I am going to start doing it immediately.
Nice fly Matt thanks for sharing!
Nice fly Matt. I like the D type tubing for similar flies. The article has inspired me to tie up a few for this season.