Fly Lines for 4-wt?

I put an Airlfo WF line on my go to rod which is a 9ft 4wt early this year, So far I am extremely happy with it compared to many previous lines I have used. Not sure exact model but it is a very light almost white color. In my experience Rio line is no good.
Agree with the go to a fly shop recommendation. Try some options out and you’ll likely be happier with the line you get. Plus you support a local shop and can hit them up for information since you bought stuff.

I’d completely disagree that a line is a line. With the significant differences in physical weight and taper for any given line weight and the vastly different actions of old and newer rods, line choice can make a rod feel great or like trash. Not saying you need to spend the max money and buy the complete top end, but getting the right taper for your rod and preferences is important.
I am sure Rio Gold would be fine.
That’s my preferred line but dang is it ever expensive now. For a beginner I would go with cabelas or cortland from Walmart.
That’s my preferred line but dang is it ever expensive now. For a beginner I would go with cabelas or cortland from Walmart.
I have been fishing the same Cortland Fairplay on my 8 weight for years. Total invested = $15 or so from Walmart.

This is the blue Fairplay, not the older orange version.
Cortland classic 444 WFF in peach. I tired of all the fly line hype a few years ago and have been putting 444 on all my reels as the need arises.
I would second this. I absolutely adore the 444 peach on my over lined 3 weight. It's one of my cheapest and yet most fun rod setups. Funny how that works, isn't it?
The new Airflo lines are extremely good, probably one of the best lines I've ever fished with. V2 Ridge Floating WF. Truly an amazing product. AND... they won't crack and break like that RIO crap does.
For a "beginner"? Any WF4wt will be fine. Heck, even just some nameless brand on Amazon will serve you well.