
Jun 21, 2007
Is it necessary to seal the end of fly line to prevent water from soaking in? If so what sould I use?
I have never heard of doing this, and don't personally "seal" the end of my line. I'm guessing, if it is a floating line, the foam would still cause the line to float, and if it is a sinking line, you wouldn't notice anyway.

I'm sure if the manufacture of the line would put directions in/on the box about sealing the line if it was necessary, as well as give a suggested brand of line sealer.
I've never heard of it either.

If the end of the line is sinking, investigate your line->leader connection. It could be the culprit.
What am I looking for in the line to leader connection that would make the line sink? The leader is attached with a nail knot.
I'd suggest a short "lead head". Coated lead line that has a loop on both loop one end to the line and the other to the leader...instant sink tip...remove it and you can fish dries as well. search lead head on the site..I think we discussed them before...
Nail knots are known to sink now and then.

Look into treating your line with something. A quick fix on the stream is to put a little gink on it.
jayL wrote:
Nail knots are known to sink now and then.

This is particularly true if you forget to remove the nail. :-o

Could be dirty line, debris in knot. I never heard of sealing the line until I think sandfly mentioned it on here some few weeks back.
PLIOBOND your nail knots on sinking or floating lines.A very thin coat keeps them from being damaged from rocks,trees and most of all,bad casts.(cracking the whip etc.].I never had to redo a nail knot or any other type in a line to leader connection when pliobonded.The knot will out live the line-lol.
I just used the tube of UV knot sense I got for x-mas....when I turned my line around last week, I thought i'd try it so I put a small tapered coating over my nail knot instead of doing the loop to loop I usually do...stuff is pretty cool...slides thru the guides nicely...