Fly Line backing - ever seen yours?

Nope, not yet anyway. I'm like MKern, I play them fast and move on. I've hooked a few whitefish out west that might have if I didn't get broke off.
Wait, does cleaning your line count??? My wife says I'm a big ole sucker!! :-D
i have seen my backing more than i can count.let me explain why.
in the spring i couldn't see the "willow"line on my good reel so was using a cheap cabella's click and pawl reel with a weak ,now broken,spring.this reel was loaded with yellow SA headstatrt which is real short.

combine that with long down steam soft hackle hits,bam.
the trout were no bigger than ten the end i had no drag at all,the spring while it lasted!
Never in PA. Many times on the Salmon River in NY, and once in New Brunswick fishing for Atlantics.
I can't say with certainty, but it's more than 4 and less than 10. I had two steelies do it in one day last year fishing at the mouth of 12 Mile in Erie. They were running out through the surf in horrible weather conditions (snow squalls and heavy surf). It's happened a few other times on steelhead, but rarely unless very close to the lake.
Never had it happen in pa, but twice out in montana, on the clark near missoula, fat rainbows
Never actually had it done. A few steelhead had the power, but not the space. Once, on the Little J, hooked something that took most of my line, without so much as slowing down. Just a steady zzzzzzzzzz. Gotta love that. Tippet broke before the backing showed, though.