Fly fishing with David Letterman

avocet wrote:
What''s wrong with doing things well? Why spend all that big$ on the fancy duds and rods like you guys all yak about and then not at least explore their proper use?

Who cares what celebrities do anyway? I don't give a darn about the so called famous flyfishermen either. The most interesting and best flyfishermen are guys you never heard of.

It's a hobby. If you enjoy yourself you are doing it well.
Has anyone on here had a fish hit before you had a chance to get your line set under the rod finger? If not - that's pretty well what it looks like.
bradtheflyfisherman wrote:
Still don't understand why some are so quick and harsh to judge those who are new/inexperienced with the sport..we all started somewhere and many of us still haven't mastered every technique. If he's enjoying himself and catching be it and let him be.

On doing it wrong: the first time I saw Lefty Kreh, I was a kid with a bunch of guys my dad's age at the old Annapolis Reservoir (when it was still a real reservoir) and he was offering casting tips. First guy up, Lefty says: "Do you ever look at your back cast?" Answer: "No." Lefty: "I can see why!" The last time I saw him I was in my 50s and at the Lancaster fly fishing show just a few years back. Same Lefty line of questioning, same Lefty punchline. I'm sure my casting isn't nearly as graceful as I imagine. To paraphrase some of the kinder sentiments in this thread, if he's having fun, he's doing it right.
One of my favorite quotes is from President Herbert Hoover who once said “All men are equal in the eyes of fish”.

FishTales wrote:
One of my favorite quotes is from President Herbert Hoover who once said “All men are equal in the eyes of fish”.

That's a good one right there
Said he grew up fishing with his father. That’s nice.
I finally decided to take a look at the video to see what the big deal was. My conclusion? There isn't one. In fact, there was very little fishing. Maybe it is in part 2.;-)
