Fly fishing & Wing Shooting Expo > March 1 - 3rd



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Link to Expo at Split Rock Lodge / Lake Harmony in the Poconos.

A lot of classes to book for a fee as well as free seminars and demonstrations to attend.

Including PAFFers Dave Rothrock / "Old Lefty" on fly casting and trout fishing.

And an appearance from the snake charmer himself!...Fred Dewees / "Fredrick" teaching about FFing for snakeheads.

afishinado wrote:
Link to Expo at Split Rock Lodge / Lake Harmony in the Poconos.

A lot of classes to book for a fee as well as free seminars and demonstrations to attend.

Including PAFFers Dave Rothrock / "Old Lefty" on fly casting and trout fishing.

And an appearance from the snake charmer himself!...Fred Dewees / "Fredrick" teaching about FFing for snakeheads.

Should be a nice show , you guys can come watch my presentation while you wait on Kelly Galloups or any of the other famous guys presenting . ;-)
Stop by the Wild East Outfitters booth on Saturday and say hi to Cody the fishing Brittany.

By fishing Brittany, I mean a dog that is confused by fish and falls overboard while looking at fish in the net. LoL
One week till this show kicks off
I am hoping to make this show as I've never been, hopefully will see some of you guys there!
I am probably going to attend this show since it is so close to where I do most/all of my fishing. I hope that the weather is good both pre and post show dates. I could use a little time off from work.
There will be some nice classes and seminars at the show this year I'm looking forward to checking out allot of these in my down time .
2nd year. Looking forward to seeing how many exhibitors and what the attendence will be.

I will be one of the 25 fly tiers at the show, going up tomorrow morning.
I will be there Saturday sometime through Sunday and am looking forward to meeting Fredrick, Jerry, and other fellow board members.

I am 60 years young and 6'/170 lbs, and will be sporting North Carolina blue in Penn State country. Please say hello.

I am looking forward to learning how to be a better fly caster and nymph fisherman.

Any comments or recap of the show by those that attended and/or participated in it?
Almost crashed on the drive up! LoL. It was a beautiful snow covered morning in the Poconos. Almost as many dogs as people. I spent a majority of the day sitting at our booth but get up and look around very quickly. There was a decent mix of fishing and hunting booths. Only a few had merchandise to buy and that seemed to be a reoccurring complaint that I heard. I'd label Saturday as slow and chalk it up to the bad weather. Great concept though.
Stopped by Sunday for a couple of hours. Spent most of it talking to the gentleman at Streams of Dreams booth. I will call him Mr. H. A fascinating, generous man, wealth of knowledge and fished in places I can on dream. Worth the price of admission. I made a friend.

My best wishes to him for a speedy recovery from his knee operation

Also hooked up with Mr. Raftas for TBD float on the Lehigh.

Other than those two and the few fly shops hawking their wares, wasn't too big of a deal. Could easily walk through everything in 1 hr.
I attended both days but didn't go to the seminars since I had a lot of other things on my mind like a fluid leak in my Jeep(radiator/water pump). I did get a nice discount on a 9 ft./5 wt. Orvis Recon fly rod from one of the local Pocono fly shops that I frequent since I don't tie my own flies.

I want and need both of those fly shops to stay in business so I buy there as much as possible.

I also learned a lot about my grandfather's shotgun that I had appraised. I am glad that went and enjoyed some time at a local bar in Blakeslee.

I am also looking forward to the Lancaster show this upcoming weekend.