Fly fishing show Somerset

Don't worry n00b101 I'm in the poor club as well
Mario66pens, thanks for understanding. You're from State College eh? I'll pick you up on the way to the Somerset show. My best friend goes to school at Penn State, he's a damn good fly fisherman. I'm picking him up you can hitch a ride if you want!

Being poor is more fun anyway....
Is anyone heading to the show just for Friday the 24th? I'm in Central PA near I-80 Danville Bloomsburg or I-81 Minersville Frackville. I can only get away on the 24th., Would be willing to share gas expenses or I can drive. Let me know!
I didnt read all 5 pages so this might have already been stated but it was $18 last year. I know this because they were used crisp new $2 bills for change for all the folks paying with $20s. I still have mine at home in a box.
Pretty sure I used mine, cause, well, I already had like 10 $2 bills at home anyway. Thought they'd go up in value. But they're still worth, umm, exactly $2.
pcray1231 wrote:
Pretty sure I used mine, cause, well, I already had like 10 $2 bills at home anyway. Thought they'd go up in value. But they're still worth, umm, exactly $2.

Probably because you can go to the bank and ask for them if you really want them. They are still being printed and are in circulation, ergo no rise in value :) I do remember as a teen standing at market that we would pounce on anything that would make it's way into the money box that we deemed "rare" at the time, . This included half dollars (and back then, we did pick up some silver that way), $2 bills, gold/silver certificates, pre-1964 coinage, Bicentennial quarters, foreign coins, and I did manage to pick up a blank quarter planchet. I had to compete with my grandmother and another employee for the loot, though..
I going to the Fly Show, drinking beer, eating pizza and going to a gentleman's club afterwards to spend my two dollar bill.

When I was in college I never had money for laundry but I had quarters for quarter draft night... I could never make the connection.

But seriously, if you can afford to go, you should go. Great way to spend the day. I know I get my $18 value out of it very quickly.
I am planning to go on Saturday, not sure about Sunday yet.
I took a personal day to go on Friday. I am excited as this will be the first time I am going!
I think I'm in for Sunday. Anyone who needs a ride let me know. Coming from D-town area.
Big-Bass wrote:
I took a personal day to go on Friday. I am excited as this will be the first time I am going!

It's a fun time. Last yr some guys posted what booths or tables they would be at but I did not see anything in this yrs thread.

One of the mods, Afish, should be at the Orvis booth.

I hope to get there tomorrow afternoon depending on work. If not, I'll go up on Sat.
I'll be there Saturday all day. Got some rods to test and fly tying materials to buy! Taking my dad and brother this will be there first time there, I am trying to get them to buy rods like I did my first year in attendance.
I'll be at the show Saturday and Sunday. I'll be tying at the Catskill guild table on Sunday morning 9:30-11:30 if anyone wants to stop by and say hello.
I'll be looking for ya.
FrequentTyer wrote:
I'll be at the show Saturday and Sunday. I'll be tying at the Catskill guild table on Sunday morning 9:30-11:30 if anyone wants to stop by and say hello.

If ya want to, gimme a call when you get there on Saturday.

Dog and I would be honored to hang out with you again.

I could use the help in keeping El Poocho out of trouble. :cool:
I'll be attending the show tomorrow. Have a health list of materials I'll be looking for. I find myself much more comfortable buying materials, tools, etc... when I can feel them, see them, etc.

Also am looking forward to a few seminars.

Great way to spend the day out of the house. A nice break from shoveling shown, tying, restocking firewood, etc...

Is there a PAFF meet up planned for Saturday at any point?
Between the seminars and theaters alone it looks like I could spend 2 days minimum at this show. That said; looking forward to tomorrow as I’ve never been to the show. Will look for the guys I know and anyone else to introduce myself. Mkoloch and anyone else .. if you see someone walking around aimlessly having no clue what he’s talking abt .. that’s me so introduce and say hi.

Any members gonna be at any booths?

They don’t limit tix, right?
Up at the show today and saw a bunch of guys. Maurice spent some of the morning harassing me with text messages about he should have come up. He wasn't even working today because of the cold!

Good to talk with Phish_On and much of other guys. I'll be around until lunch time on Saturday. Saw hi if you see me.

Here are some photos on Facebook.
Nice pics dkile.

I was there from 11 to 3. Surprised how crowded it was at 11am. Great show but was surprised Orivs did not have a booth. I made several pit stops at the bar. Two guys asked me if I ever caught a fish on the first cast of the day. They were asking other people the same question. They said if you catch a fish on your first cast you should just go home b/c you will not catch anything after that. They called it the "first cast curse." Never heard that before. Hanging around the bar can be more informative than the seminars.
My and Mario66penns departure time for the show tomorrow has been altered somewhat. Expired inspection stickers on my truck and the fact I got pulled over for it twice tonight in a span of about a half an hour. Tells me not to go without good tags. 8 am inspection in the morn then off to the show.