Fly fishing is a joke...



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Now that 2018 is at an end, it's now time to reflect on the year past (pretty lousy for many) and look forward to this coming year.

You may have seen this video. It's really about nothing in particular, but many feel it says everything about what fly-fishing is all about for them.

I guarantee you will see yourself described in one or more of the scenes of the video.

So, if you have 10 minutes or so to spare during this holiday week, click on it and enjoy.

Happy New Year to all PAFFers...

Good film, I enjoyed it.
The man telling the joke at the end was great.
Thanks,Afish. GG
Thanks for sharing!
redietz wrote:
JackM wrote:
The man telling the joke at the end was great.

I believe that was Sylvester Nemes.

That's what the credits said, I did need to look up who that was though.
ryansheehan wrote:
That's what the credits said, I did need to look up who that was though.

Linking this to "most influential" threads, anyone who refers to a Partridge and Orange as a "soft hackle" rather than a "north country spider" has been influenced by Syl Nemes, even if they've never heard the name.
This video just seems phony every time I try to watch any of it.

I think I hate the narrators voice. I think that's it.

Happy New Year anyway!
I thought I was the only one. I couldn't get past 4 minutes. That was boring. Right up there with Fantasia. Somehow I get the feeling he thinks catching fish is not what fly fishing is all about.
poopdeck wrote:
I thought I was the only one. I couldn't get past 4 minutes. That was boring. Right up there with Fantasia. Somehow I get the feeling he thinks catching fish is not what fly fishing is all about.

If catching fish were all it's about, then there are more efficient ways of doing so. For that matter, why bother to fish at all -- either you're putting them back, in which case it doesn't matter if you caught any, or if you're looking for food, it's both easier and less expensive to go to the supermarket.

I also found it somewhat boring, but mainly because I've seen it before, and it doesn't bear repeat watching. In fact, I skipped most of it.

I can't disagree with his basic analogy, though, that much as a joke isn't funny if you have to explain it, if you have to explain fly fishing, then the person you're explaining it to won't get it.
redietz wrote:

If catching fish were all it's about, then there are more efficient ways of doing so. For that matter, why bother to fish at all -- either you're putting them back, in which case it doesn't matter if you caught any, or if you're looking for food, it's both easier and less expensive to go to the supermarket.

Much the same can be said about hunting with archery gear. The choice of methods doesn't diminish the the intended end result. If anything, it only makes it more satisfying and ads depth to the experience.

Also, I think that the ineffectiveness and "inefficiency" of FF'ing is grossly overstated, particularly when it comes to trout in flowing water. A decent fly fisherman is at no great handicap on trout streams. If anything, I feel as though those who say that it is a handicap, do so only because they are not very good at it, or insist on using a very narrow range of techniques.

Why bother? Well, those who reach that conclusion are welcome to hang up their rods.
PennKev wrote:
Why bother? Well, those who reach that conclusion are welcome to hang up their rods.

Which was the whole point of the film -- we do it because we like it, and there's no point in over analyzing it.
O.M.G.-------Fantastic------. I did not have volume, I don't like to be tainted. The maxima12 only buy's books to look at picture's.

Film made me feel alive. so, I turned on Pearl Jam Song, Alive.

Well son, Have I got a little story for you.
Is that the question, I' am still alive. yeah, yeah, yeah.

If you ever come to Pennsylvania, Williamsport Pa. area. You have to call me. 570-560-3030. Won't be there but pal will get a hold of me

Film was full of fire and lust. Fire," to get me off my lazy ***" Lust, "to again roam, be free, enjoy, relax, to be 1.

Now, that's what is real, join the brother and a couple fly fishing sister's.

Ps. don't lose that#.

Call, 2 month's advance, so-, the set up will be perfect.

redietz wrote:
poopdeck wrote:
I thought I was the only one. I couldn't get past 4 minutes. That was boring. Right up there with Fantasia. Somehow I get the feeling he thinks catching fish is not what fly fishing is all about.

If catching fish were all it's about, then there are more efficient ways of doing so.

I fish to catch fish. I also do not limit myself strictly to fly gear when pursuing fish. Sometimes there are more efficient ways of catching fish which is why I don't pigeon hole myself to just one style. Everybody fishes to catch fish.

Some like to say they fish to connect with nature or to knock the edge off of the daily grind. It sounds great but I can connect with nature without a rod. One can enjoy and focus more intently on nature all the more without constantly tying some kind of fake bug on the end of the line or thinking where to set your foot down next. One could even enjoy nature way cheaper without fishing gear.

I seem to recall a thread about a group of fly fishermen who fished with flies that had no hooks. They didn't care about catching fish. They only cared if they could get a fish to rise to their fly. How many guys on this site do that?

The question that needs to be asked is how many people go fishing in waterways that have no fish? The answer is simple, nobody. Everybody fishes to catch fish first and foremost. The joy of listening to the sweet music of a babbling brook is what you say when you don't catch anything.
Catching fish is just a way of keeping score. If I may make another analogy, the object of both baseball and cricket is to score runs. But if scoring runs were the reason you were playing in the first place, then clearly cricket is the better game, since you can score more runs. But in reality, nobody is playing either game solely to score runs, so in this country, we prefer baseball.

If I only wanted fish, I'd go to the grocery store. I fish for a number of reasons, including getting some exercise and having an excuse to be outdoors. I still keep score, but that's not why I fish.
+1^ for poopy’s post , I do have to say some people use fishing as an excuse to get out of their house, so they can get away from their wife ext. to them it’s not really about the fish they just need to get away . Now with that being said if that is a normal occurrence for you were you need to get away from your own house, I hope I’m never that person . To me that’s not a happy life to live were you can’t find peace at your own home ,life is waaaaay to short not to be happy .

So be happy even if it leaves you broke after each paycheck :-D

Then why doesn't that person just get divorced?

(For the record, it's a problem I wish I had -- I've been a widower for many years.)

I pity the person who thinks that fishing is only about catching fish.
poopdeck wrote:
I fish to catch fish. I also do not limit myself strictly to fly gear when pursuing fish. Sometimes there are more efficient ways of catching fish which is why I don't pigeon hole myself to just one style. Everybody fishes to catch fish.

Some like to say they fish to connect with nature or to knock the edge off of the daily grind. It sounds great but I can connect with nature without a rod. One can enjoy and focus more intently on nature all the more without constantly tying some kind of fake bug on the end of the line or thinking where to set your foot down next. One could even enjoy nature way cheaper without fishing gear.

I seem to recall a thread about a group of fly fishermen who fished with flies that had no hooks. They didn't care about catching fish. They only cared if they could get a fish to rise to their fly. How many guys on this site do that?

The question that needs to be asked is how many people go fishing in waterways that have no fish? The answer is simple, nobody. Everybody fishes to catch fish first and foremost. The joy of listening to the sweet music of a babbling brook is what you say when you don't catch anything.


Even the weirdos who fish hook-less flies have a goal in mind and you'd better believe they are at least somewhat keeping track of how many takes they get.
My father would often cast a fly rod with a piece of yarn attached, sometimes nothing at all. In Red's analogy my father loves to throw the baseball but hates hitting. Fly fishing means something different to me than it does to him, but that's ok too. We all have different motives but we're all equal out on the stream....some of us are just more equal than others ;-)