Fly Fishing Instructional Mini-Jam

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The 2011 Instructional Mini-Jam is in the books, and was a huge success.

A BIG "Thank You" to the instructors - you guys did a great job, as I knew you would. Sorry I had to cut each of you short - this showed everyone just how well versed you guys were. Most impressive!

Here's a list of our instructors:
jdaddy - Gear and TU membership.
JayL - What trout eat, and flies to immitate them.
pcray - techniques used to fish those flies.
skiltonian - Indicator fishing techniques.
fly_flinger - common knots.
JasonS - On Stream Instruction.
Old Lefty - Fly Casting.

I'd also like to point out the generosity of our senior members in attendance. Andy (surveyor06) sorted and distributed flies that were donated for our new/non-tying members. They received several dozen each!

Lastly, I'd like to thank all of our senior and newer members, friends, and family members that showed up, and braved the bone chilling wind in the morning. I counted 36 people in attendance at the time of the group photo, and several more showed up during the day. Some had driven close to 3 hours to attend - that's hard core!

Judging from how well this event was received, I'd like to see this become an annual event. Hopefully, it was a learning experience for all. Please post anything you think that would help make this event better for next year - there's always room for improvement. Link to the thread in the Forum.

It was really nice to see old friends, and make new ones as well. - Heritage Angler

A special note of thanks goes out to Heritage Angler for his effort int bringing this event together. Heritage Angler really demonstrates what the sport is all about. -dkile
Great job guys! Sounds like a huge success.
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Great job guys! Sounds like a huge success.
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Great job guys! Sounds like a huge success.
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