Fly Fishing Getting Started - Overview

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A little thrown off with trying to figure out the whole fly-fishing thing?

No worries.

I enjoy getting emails about gear, stream locations, and host of questions. So I am committing to a series of posts that might help look at this whole getting started with fly-fishing thing. It took me a few years to understand a good part of the fly-fishing experience back in the day. Then like life you soon realize more of what you don’t know than what you really understand anyway.

I started fly-fishing while in college and tending bar in Indiana, Pa. I think they were one in the same or at least it felt like a double major. Greg, another numnuts like myself and someone I met at during my studies with my second major, took me up to First Fork in Potter County for a weekend in August. We decided to go fly-fishing for trout! Yippee won’t that be cool.

My first little bit of advice is don’t start fly-fishing for trout in August. I caught 24 fallfish that were no bigger than five inches. Greg said he saw a trout at the bottom of a deep pool in the stream. Personally I think was hallucinating from the August heat. It looked like a stick and was the closest we actually got to any trout that weekend. Naturally after this wonderful experience I was gripped with the sport. Who wouldn’t?

Early on I spent a lot of time devouring Pennsylvania Fly Fishing books from Landis, Meck and Sajna. I had plenty of time as I certainly wasn’t reading any of my college books as I was part of a special five year and four summer program that didn’t require much reading or English for that matter as you can tell by my posts. I tried to explain to my parents it was a new progressive Bachelor of Arts Program in Geography with an internship at a bar. My mother has two Masters, I am sure she wasn’t buying any of my nonsense and was probably just happy I wasn’t in jail.

Further reading had me digging into the Pennsylvania Angler, even the old ones my dad had stacked in the basement right next to every National Geographic that had ever been published since 1888. You know the ones that were going to be worth a lot of money some day. The Pennsylvania Angler articles covered a lot of ground including stream locations, bugs and trout habits. It was the only way you could figure much of this stuff out before the Interwebs.

So going forward I will try and make a blog post out every week covering many aspects of getting started in fly-fishing. We will look at rods, reels, gear, streams, trout, bugs or whatever else you may need to get up to speed this spring. When we are finished tearing through your wallet like a drunken sailor on leave, just kidding I’ll avoid of much as that as possible, we will look at all the best values and practical ways to get started.

I will usually toss out a few ideas on stuff you can try yourself before the next post to keep you moving through process. We are going to get started next week by going old school and finding some books that are some must haves maybe keep a few dead tree publishers around a little bit longer.

If you have topics you want covered or questions please feel free to continue emailing me at:
Ha- I lived in apartment behind Al Patti's for a summer. heheheh
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Ha- I lived in apartment behind Al Patti's for a summer. heheheh
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Ha- I lived in apartment behind Al Patti's for a summer. heheheh
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Maybe LRSABecker's pals from the Jordan on first day will be there in full camo again, hunting the fish with knives commando-style.
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I can't even begin to imagine the pressure this will bring to these eight waters. It'll be like opening day times ten!!!
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I hope so! Heck, I am going to try this. This is my best chance to win a million dollars!
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What's the big deal?

Here is a reality check.

Dave didn't say much, but it was clear that he was not a fan of this derby. if you do a google on Dave's title, you can find info. Read it.

These are in lakes, not in your beloved trout streams, and probably not tagging trout, either. It's a fishing derby similar to Carppiethon which is quite popular among warm water anglers. Do a search on Crappiethon.

So what if a few more people go out for a little lake fishing. In fact, that is exactly why they are doing it. It is lake fishing, they won't hurt the lakes one bit.

The derby lasts for 2 months.

These types of derbies have been around for a long time, it's just the first one that Cabela's did (as far as I know).
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Correct it is has not been announced that it is going to happen in any streams. I know I can be a little sarcastic, but I just think the whole thing is seems more like a carnival rather than something of a sporting nature.
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Not to mention, if you were to win the $1 million prize, it's payable only in an annuity - $20K for 50 years. Meh....
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20k a year for 50 years. meh? I'll take it.
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Dave Kile, you sir, are a trout snob! :-D

Seriously, I bet you assumed trout (re: power bait). In any case, I think you are making it out to be more than it is.

The article I read said it is just in lakes, and I think it said lakes near stores. It may be a publicity stunt, but I say these do more good than harm if it is handled like crappiethon. It gets people interested in fishing, and pumps money into the local economies.

I honestly wouldn't care if they had it in my favorite panfish lake. Plenty of water.

Years back I'd sign up for crappiethon. It would have been cool to catch one of the tagged crappies, but I never did. Even cooler to see a young kid catch a tagged one, but I never saw that either.
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This really isn't anything new, even in scale. Back when I was a fishing kid in the late 1950's and 1960's there was the nationwide (I think) Atlantic Gasoline tagging program. A few tags were still showing up from those fish in the late 1970's.
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When you go to register, it actually says "lakes"... No mention of streams/rivers...
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