Fly Fishing Art



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Does anyone know a fly fisherman who also paints whose name is Bernard or Bernie that lives part of the year in Mifflin County?
No, but an interesting subject. I collect original sporting art and have a number of fly fishing originals by Fred Everett, Paul Tunkis and Ross Young. Any other artists, anyone can recommend, particularly from Pa.?.
Besides the aforementioned Dave Weaver, Mark Susinno, Dan Christ, Gerald Putt, and of course, Ned Smith.
Ned Smith, of course. I haven't seen any of his
originals hit the market recently. I was outbid 20 years ago on a watercolor.
The only fishing art that is in my price range are some prints of trout by Tom Sasser, that I picked up off of Ebay, and some unattributed Denton prints, which are in the late 1800s Report of the State Commissioner of Fisheries books.
A Weaver painting is definitely on my bucket list!

You should check in with Dave "Fishidiot" Weaver here is his website:

I am sure if you PM him he can help with any questions you may have.

Thanks dkile. Some nice stuff. Definately going to give him a ring!!
What's ur commission?!?!?!
Just and update:

A fellow member PM'd me and gave the man's name. I don't want to share yet.

My wife and I looked at a house and this mans art was everywhere. Matter of fact we nicknamed the fly fishing house. Needless to say this was his house. Each room of his house was named after a fly and had a small picture of that fly painted in the door.

Although we are not interested in his house (even though it is beautiful) we are definitely interested in his art.