fly boxes



Active member
Apr 6, 2014
I've got some money burning a hole in my pocket, and I think I *need* another fly box. I don't like the idea of carrying my entire fly stock on my person, so if I could limit my daily carry to about a hundred of all styles, that would be ideal. (More with less, you see.)

Which box do you use, and why? Compartment, slim, leaf insert? Aluminum, plastic?
I have many many boxes for each type of fly and hatch etc. I recently bought an Umpqua Weeekender box and I can take about all I need for any day of the river with one box. I just use the other boxes to refill as needed.
I have "staple flies" in there all the time and I leave two rows empty for whatever the "hatch of the day" is anticipated.
I have a Goertzen box lanyard on the way to carry it but in the meantime I've been stuffing it my wader chest pocket.
I like the ones Ryan sells at Risenfly, inexpensive, and holds everything I need for an outing.
Recently switched over to Tacky fly boxes. They are very slim.
Umpqua upg box
I use a George Daniel "working box" system using slim clear plastic boxes from Bass Pro. They're cheap.
I have a nymph box, a dry box and a two streamer boxes (one streamer and one articulated streamer) for trout. My "working box" (maybe 5"x3" the other boxes are about twice that size) contains flies I plan to use that day.
Fishing only dry flies, I use compartment boxes. Don't have to worry about hackle getting crushed
What is your preferred compartment box?
I've been getting De Witt boxes from Fly Fishers Paradise in state college.
They come in several sizes - 8, 12 and 18 compartments I believe.
And are inexpensive
Thanks, I'm wanting to try some compartment boxes for dry flies. The De Witt boxes look like a good place to start.
Thanks for the referral Biker!

I actually use the aluminum boxes we have with the flip open compartments more than any other box. Keeps from crushing hackles and you don't open up a whole box of flies with risk of them falling out, only one compartment at a time. They're probably our worst seller, don't ask me why. I have about a half dozen of them and sort them by hatch so when I'm hatch hunting I grab one box with some tippet and floatant and go hit the water.