Fly Angler Enthusiasm



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Encounters with flyfisherman on the stream

I’ve had a lot of encounters and observations of anglers most of which I’ve forgotten.

Recently I arrived at a well known fisherman parking lot on a popular stream. If I recall correctly I got there midday when things had warmed up a bit. There also were 3-4 bestway pizza cuts eaten prolonging the arrival. A fly angler was just getting back to his car after fishing throughout the morning.

Gave a look over his way as I was getting ready to fish , “Caught 8” the younger fellow exclaimed with enthusiasm.

He additionally offered up that the nymphing was good and he had missed many more and in particular interest to me there were lots of caddis. He did not try any drys.

Asked if he caught any rainbows - he said he caught several. I said to him that they stocked this section yesterday, to which he seemed unaware. Not that this stream needs it.

I’ve had many conversations along the stream but this one just sticks with me somehow. His enthusiasm was apparent and I think made me want to get all rigged faster and get to the water. Guess I’m still pretty enthusiastic.

I’ve met some interesting characters.

How about you?
I've been doing the same thing for as long as I've been fishing for trout with a fly rod about 50 years ago. The first 3-4 trips to the creek every year, I go pretty much blank from the time I pull into the parking area until I'm geared up and headed down the path to where I want to start. I get too excited and more often than not, I'll leave my vest in the car or the hatch on the Outlander up or my rod on top of the car and I have to go back. Usually by the 5th or 6th trip, I'm a lot better but some years it goes on all season especially if my destination is some place that excites me more than usual.

I've learned to live with it. It just means I still have a high level of enthusiasm which is a good thing, I guess..
A couple years back at Valley creek I had a gentleman call the police on me for asking him if he was heading up or downstream. Claimed I was harassing him after he came back to curse me out. He was definitely a character.
Did you know that the same why you hold your mouth for fish is also good for when you come across some people? Sometimes your excitement can stir up trouble.
I have run into quite a few enthusiastic younger fishermen this year. Particularly at my local ditch, asking what I am using and the like. I mentioned this to my wife recently and she said "George, That was you 20 years ago." I usually try and offer a little advice and maybe a hot fly or two. The reaction is always "wow are you sure?" Many fishermen were kind to me in the past and showed me some things. I kinda feel like it I am bound to "pass it on" Recently I ran into a kid on the local ditch and gave him a fly to use. I saw him walking out with a smile on his face he gave me a wave and told me that fly got him into some fish.

I had a guy come up right behind me and start spin casting for trout. He was so close that I could have hooked him. Then he tells me that he fly fishes quite often. I'm thinking to myself.....Why in hell would you come up so close behind a person?

Another day, I was into some trout and a kid came right up in front of me and started casting. I said excuse me, and the kids dad came and pulled him back. I later put a nymph on his line - which by then it was getting dark out - so no fish caught for the kid. However, it has worked in the past to take some 4lb test line with a nymph and set up about 2 feet below a bobber. The one kid I did this for a couple years back offered me his catch several times until his dad came and told him to bring the fish home for eating.

acristickid wrote:
pizza cuts

You've got to be from western PA. I grew up around Pittsburgh, but have lived on the eastern half of the state my entire life as an adult. Every time I say we should "do cuts" for lunch at work my coworkers think I'm on drugs or something. Weirdos.
I've been invited to share a "pie," but I say "no I was going to have pizza before dessert."

Nice post. I try to pass it on whenever I can. I've been on both ends of this one. I remember meeting a guy from the Penn State area while fishing at a local creek. We greeted and started talking. He caught about a dozen fish while I got skunked. I saw him on the way out and he gave me a Frenchie and some info about how he caught his fish. I used it the next time on that creek and caught fish that day.

I met a father and son fishing the last time I was in Florida. The father was struggling and I was catching fish. I told him what I was using and he rigged his rod accordingly. He started catching fish and his son had a great day with his dad fishing.

Fishing in new areas is hard. Add additional variables like temps, water levels, clarity and many other things and it starts to get difficult quickly. It is nice when someone gives you a hand.


GonnaFlyNow wrote:

Nice post. I try to pass it on whenever I can. I've been on both ends of this one. I remember meeting a guy from the Penn State area while fishing at a local creek. We greeted and started talking. He caught about a dozen fish while I got skunked. I saw him on the way out and he gave me a Frenchie ...

Too much info.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.;-)

The gold standard for pizza in Pittsburgh area-

Aiello's Pizza
Fiori's Pizzaria

Cuts available and they are great. The go to is just cheese.
acristickid wrote:

The gold standard for pizza in Pittsburgh area-

Aiello's Pizza
Fiori's Pizzaria

Cuts available and they are great. The go to is just cheese.

Aiello's and Mineo's were neck and neck for top spot way back in the early 80s. Good to hear they are still around.
acristickid wrote:

The gold standard for pizza in Pittsburgh area-

Aiello's Pizza
Fiori's Pizzaria

Cuts available and they are great. The go to is just cheese.

Have had Mineo's and Fiori's. Agree both are great. Mineo's by a nose in my book. When I'm back in town for a weekend now that's where I go. Haven't had Aiello's, but I'll have to try it.

As a high school/college kid I really liked a small joint in McMurray, Lorenzo's. It was very popular 20 years ago or so. The original owner retired and sold the business, and alas, it's not the same now. Their subs are still very good, but the cuts aren't what they used to be.
Swattie87 wrote:
acristickid wrote:

The gold standard for pizza in Pittsburgh area-

Aiello's Pizza
Fiori's Pizzaria

Cuts available and they are great. The go to is just cheese.

Have had Mineo's and Fiori's. Agree both are great. Mineo's by a nose in my book. When I'm back in town for a weekend now that's where I go. Haven't had Aiello's, but I'll have to try it.

As a high school/college kid I really liked a small joint in McMurray, Lorenzo's. It was very popular 20 years ago or so. The original owner retired and sold the business, and alas, it's not the same now. Their subs are still very good, but the cuts aren't what they used to be.

Mineo's and Aielo's are only about 6 doors apart, and is the best pizza rivalry in the country. You gotta try both.

It's like comparing Pats and Genos for cheese steak.

I honestly can't remember which I liked better, and that may have even changed from week to week, or pie to pie, or even slice to slice.

Sorry, I didn't live in the burgh long enough to use "cut" to describe a slice. I tried and it just didn't seem right.

Great pizza.

I don't think I ever tried Fiori's

Joe and Mary Brooks-
What happened to Carbones? GG
FarmerDave wrote:

Mineo's and Aielo's are only about 6 doors apart, and is the best pizza rivalry in the country. You gotta try both.

It's like comparing Pats and Genos for cheese steak.

My buddy I stay with when in town is a big Mineo's guy...I'll have to stealth a cut or two from Aiello's on the way into or out of town.
As a general rule for PA, cuts are best in the west and get worse the further east you go. Pittsburgh area is tops no doubt, but there's a noticeable difference between what you can get in central PA versus Philadelphia. Philadelphia pizza is junk. Stick to the cheesesteaks or roasted pork sands when there for sure.

Edit: The opposite continuum is true for cheesesteaks. Best in Philly and gets worse as you go west. Some decent ones can still be had in the mid-state but most there will be coming with pizza sauce or LTO/Mayo on them unless you specify otherwise. By the time you hit the Allegheny Front, if you order one it's coming with fries and slaw on it. :p
I find most anglers enthusiastic helpful. FF do no have the market cornered in this trait. Generally speaking all anglers are for the most part happy to share their knowledge.

Philly pizza sucks..........what!!! Next time your in the Philly area let me know and we can get some SLICES that will knock your socks off.