


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2013
I see fly patterns calling for floss. Is this the same stuff my wife buys at the craft stores by the scan so she can stitch pictures? or is this something fly fishing related. I can honestly say I have never seen rolls of floss at cabelas fly shop. Im really hoping its the stuff my wife has. is there any one kind of floss that works the best?
poopdeck wrote:
Is this the same stuff my wife buys at the craft stores by the scan so she can stitch pictures? or is this something fly fishing related.


Cross stitch or embroidery floss can be used to tie flies but it is not the same as floss sold for fly tying.

Almost any shop that carries a decent selection of tying material will have floss. It is usually on spools and near the threads, tinsel, wire etc.


P.s. Floss is fairly cheap so there's really no reason to scour the craft stores to find a substitute .

Sounds like you're talking about "DMC" floss? If so it's great for weaving, ribs, and bodies. It's six strands twisted together that you can untwist and have different sizes depending on the fly size. It's cool stuff and comes in every color known to mankind & then some. But like PK has said it's not silk floss. But very useable in tying.
Ill have to pay closer attention at the fly shop. Thanks for clearing that up.