Floating the Beaverkill



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
I don't know how many forum members often fish the Catskills but if you fish the Beaverkill do you ever see guys floating it with a pontoon boat or kayak? I was just wondering because the Beaverkill is actually wider than the West Branch Delaware for most of it's length and it would be a way to see much of the river.

I haven't fished there in at least a decade but I had fished it for over twenty-five years and had never seen any kind of water craft on it. Probably it is better to leave it to wading anglers. It does get a tremendous amout of waders and any pontoons floating on it would most likely cause major shouting matches.
I have seen guys floating + there is alot of canoes during warmer weather..
Interesting. I'd seen on another forum a couple years ago that a guide from over on the WB put a drift boat in there someplace because the WB was blown out and he had paying clients. I also heard that the wading anglers went absolutely beserk as the guy was floating on down river.
Saw the same thing happen in late May a few years ago (5+).....the wading anglers were so intimidating that the floaters actually pulled in, beached their pontoons and proceeded to wade downstream. Don't know if it was a guided expedition or not. The stream was very crowded.....
I think Baxter House floats the lower B near the confluence, but I would think the regulars in the water from Silver Fox up to Junction would frown on floaters.

Les wrote;

"I think Baxter House floats the lower B near the confluence, but I would think the regulars in the water from Silver Fox up to Junction would frown on floaters."

Well way down river on the BK there are far fewer fishermen in general. The bulk of the fly guys are always going to be found in the upper No Kill water starting at Barnhart's and the lower No Kill down in Horton.

But there are tons of trout throughout the open waters at least to a few miles below Cooks Falls. The lower river near the confluence with the EB is really wide and it should be relatively easy for a good boat man to go behind any wading angler. If that is not possible you must plan ahead so you can row over to the other side of the river before you get near the wader and just let the boat float through without rowing, just feather the oars to steer the boat straight.

WB I wouldn't even think about floating the beaverkill. It just isn't big enough and it is very rocky and low in some places. There are too many anglers and I don't think it would be enjoyable at all. A conoe or kayak maybe but I wouldn't personally even think about floating the BK.
I wasn't asking the question because I was thiking about floating it. I was just curious. I often think the upper WB shouldn't be floated with drift boats, or maybe any crafts at all, to give the waders more enjoyable angling and also to give those poor trout some refuge areas. If you can't wade to them then they don't get caught. Boaters can park in the deepest pools and those fish never have a chance.
I have seen deft boars on the lower river below butternut grove (i think). Several times I've floated the last 1/2 mile and did see rising fish. If I did it 15 times, only once did I see an angler. I think it could be done on the lower section but access might be tough. I'm sure there's some very nice water that sees little pressure. In 25 years, I did see a guy in a kayak come down through Carins pool. Let's just say it didn't go well and think that boater never did that again....at least not in the heart of the spring hatches.
krayfish wrote:
I have seen deft boars on the lower river below butternut grove (i think). Several times I've floated the last 1/2 mile and did see rising fish. If I did it 15 times, only once did I see an angler. I think it could be done on the lower section but access might be tough. I'm sure there's some very nice water that sees little pressure. In 25 years, I did see a guy in a kayak come down through Carins pool. Let's just say it didn't go well and think that boater never did that again....at least not in the heart of the spring hatches.

:-o :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would go for it n fish minnows n worms ...... But seriously everyone has the opprotunity to enjoy the resource ANY way they seem fit within the law.....I fish the lehigh a lot and we deal with white water rafters all the time .... A little respect tip of a hat and a deep breath by all involved makes for a good day by all
That's BS, no angler has any more right to a river than anyone else. I'f I paid for a float, I'd go regardless of what the other anglers thought. The Beaverkill is big enough to acommadate some boats.
freestylefisher wrote:
I would go for it n fish minnows n worms ...... But seriously everyone has the opprotunity to enjoy the resource ANY way they seem fit within the law.....I fish the lehigh a lot and we deal with white water rafters all the time .... A little respect tip of a hat and a deep breath by all involved makes for a good day by all

Ever get hit by one? I have.

I'll pay for a guide trip for you if you'll do it. Junction pool on the Beaverkill down through the no kill section. Second week of May. People will try to snag you and hurl insults / rocks at you. It is an unwritten rule that you don't take boats on that river. I think it has something to do with respecting tradition on that watershed. You can get away with it in the lower because it larger and hardly any anglers. I'll bet money on it that you don't find a guide willing to entertain that idea.
I'll bet if you checked it's a navagible water, either way it doesn't matter. I'll take some 5 ounce sinkers if I need to.
Slingshots and 5 ounce sinkers seem like a hella good time.
I'll just drop the outboard into my drift boat and it people r assess I will just run circles thru thier pool .... People need to lighten up this is suppose to be relaxing

Whether it's navigable water or not I bet after you floated the BK you would feel bad that you did. If eveyone had that mentatlity of floating or fishing any way that is legal our fisheries and experiences as flyfishermen would be very poor in my opinoin.
Mc why not have blinders and worry about you and not worry about someone else and how they are experincing thier time on the water?
I'm guessing you are being saracastic but maybe not so I will answer anyway. For the most part I do have blinders but one of the reasons I flyfish is for the solitude and peace and quiet I get while fishing. Now solitude on the BK is rare but if more people showed respect for other fisherman everyone's time on the water would be more enjoyable and if you have ever fished the upper BK you would know why it would not be a good decision to float with a drift boat.

I guess what I am saying is I don't really care what you do but if you're impacting my time on the water then it's hard to just have blinders on. Some places you have to expect certain things and other places you shouldn't. I've learned for the most part when and where those rules should apply.