Flies I never used



Apr 17, 2010
Well, spent a bit of time on a local pond this week, and after nailing nothing but tiny bluegills on my usual #14 BH olive hare's ear nymph, I decided to tie on a #2 red and white clouser that had just been hanging out in the pond box for the last 2 years, and, first cast, this fella nailed it. ended up picking up a few more, but my camera died, so this is only one I got a pic of...a little over a foot, and my first good bass of the year...well, I guess I need to tie up a few more red/white clousers.


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Nice! I love it. Clousers are one of my favorites. I like to tie em and fish em. Great bass.
turkey wrote:
Nice! I love it. Clousers are one of my favorites. I like to tie em and fish em. Great bass.

I love the clousers too, but I've never actually fished a red & white one, usually chartreuse/white, gray/white, olive/white and brown/tan, as well as rusty madtoms and purple darters.
I tie an all white marabou streamer for bass. NO weight is the key for that pattern. It suspends about 2-6" below the surface. Marabou tail, chinelle wrap, and marabou collar. Simple and easy. Easy to see the strikes, and lots of fun seeing them too. I like the clousers for deeper, and the marabous for up top. Easy to toss the marabou streamer by some cat tails or lilly pads and not get too hung up because it doesn't sink too much.
I used to have a pond box, but realized that they'll eat a clump of marabou tied to a hook as well as anything else. In my experience, carrying any kind of variety of flies to a pond was for my own enjoyment, not to convince any extra fish.

It's probably similar to what ryan's talking about, and I fish it the same way.